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Homework: 1、熟读B Let’s learn 3遍。 2、抄写单词短语各一行。 (3英1中),并默写。 3、看第8页 Sarah和Zhang Peng的学校, 仿写两个对话。 Unit 1 My school B- let’s learn Are you ready? First first, run run run ! Second second, jump jump jump! Third third, hop hop hop! Fourth fourth, stamp stamp stamp! first floor second floor library teachers’ office homework next to Where is the ? It’s on the floor. It’s on the floor. first second bathroom bedroom living room kitchen study It’s next to the . Learning aims(学习目标): 1.I can listen,speak,spell,write the words:computer room, music room, playground, gym, art room。 2.I can use “Do you have a/an…?Yes, we do./No, we don’t.” to talk about the objectives in real situation. 我能通过多种方式(图片、实物、肢体语言等)根据实际情况用句型进行对话。 playground We can play football on the playground. Do you have a playground? Yes, we do. 我们 Do开头来提问,______去回答。 do × No, we don’t. No来回答,______跟随! n’t n’t=not library Do you have a libryry? Yes, we do. art room art room an Do you have an art room? Yes, we do. It’s on the first floor. music room music room Do you have a music room? No, we don’t. × computer room computer room Do you have a computer room? Yes, we do. It’s on the floor. second 小组活动 导航台(方法指导) 规则 1.自己读P8 Let’s learn中的单词一遍,圈出不会读的单词(1分钟)。 2.听录音跟读单词2遍,之后在单词前写出冠词a或an(2分钟)。 Self-study 自 学 不打扰 art room music room computer room gym playground a a a a an a computer room We can play computer games in it. an art room We can draw in it. a music room We can sing in it. 小组活动 导航台(方法指导) 规则 pair work 对学 1.对学伙伴交换课本听对方读单词,圈出错误的地方。 2.对学伙伴互相讨论,找出单词中相同的部分。 不打扰,会倾听 Fill in the blanks:(在横线上填出正确的字母) comp__ter r__ __m 计算机房 m__s__c room 音乐教室 a__t room 美术教室 pl__ __gr__ __nd 操场 g__m 体育馆 u o o u i r a y o u y Read in the _________. Sing songs in the __________. Play in the ________. Dr


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