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at weekends on Sundays in the morning/ afternoon/evening This is my father. He is a … He likes …, but he doesn’t like… He often goes fishing with … . and 用于肯定,or 用于否定和疑问。 * * * * * * * * * * * Simple present tense of the verb to do (动词do的一般现在时) To learn to make positive (肯定) and negative (否定) statements (陈述句) and ask questions (问题) with the verb “to do” To learn to use the simple present tense to talk about true and regular(有规律的) things 1.I love sports and I like football very much. 2.Li Hua comes from Guangdong but now he lives in Beijing. 3.Many people like him. 4.In his free time, he studies English. He also enjoys from listening to music. 5.It makes him happy. 6.I hope his dream comes true. Read the passage on Page 20. can you find some sentences with “do (V原) and does (V三单)” in them? 主语是三单(he, she, it 或相当于它们的名词),用V三单。 love, like, come, live, study, watch, enjoy, hope叫做行为动词,又叫实义动词,这种动词有具体、实际的含义。 1 第一人称 I, we 第二人称 you (你,你们) 行为动词的一般现在时,要注意主语人称的变化。 第三人称 he, she, it, they Tom, Millie, my dog, my parents 第三人称单数形式,简称三单式 be动词用法口诀: 我(I) 用“am” , 你(you) 用“are”, “is”用在“他(he) 、她(she)、它(it)”, 复数全部都用“are”。 2 行为(实义)动词肯定用法口诀: 我(I) 用“V原” , 你(you) 用“V原”, “V三单“用在“他(he)、她(she)、它(it), 复数全部都用“V原 ”。 We add an ‘s’ to the verb after ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘it’. Some verbs ending in o 3.Verbs ending in ss, ch, sh or x 2. Verbs ending in a consonant + y 1. Most verbs +s -y+ies +es +es 但: 元音字母加y + s say /ei/ says /e/ 4. 不规则动词 have has fly flies play plays watch watches go goes do does /ei/ /ai/ /t?/ /?u/ /?/ like likes /k/ love loves /v/ 3 ※ likes, makes, lives, reads, brings, cooks , uses ※ watches, dresses, fixes , misses, finishes, goes, teaches, guesses ※ studies, flies, carries, worries, says, plays 2.辅音字母加y + ies, 但:元音字母加y + s 1. + s 3. s, x ,sh, ch,ss, o + s put___ enjoy_____ write____ match __ play___ have _____ guess____ fly_____ go____ listen _____ buy _____ finish___


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