2017年四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 Module6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 第3课时学案 外研版必修4.docVIP

2017年四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 Module6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 第3课时学案 外研版必修4.doc

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2017年四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 Module6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 第3课时学案 外研版必修4

Period 3: Language Points 学习目标: 1. 掌握文章中包含的重要语言点 学习重点: 掌握文章中包含的重要语言点 学习难点: 课前预习 使用说明与学法指导: 1. 在语境中掌握重点单词、短语和句型的用法 2. 15分钟之内完成 教材助读: 1. 今晚她很有可能给我打电话。 She is very likely to ring me tonight. 2. 由于这场大雨他不可能来这里了。 He is unlikely to come here due to the heavy rain. 3. 他声称见过这种已经绝迹了的怪物。 He claimed that he had seen the species of monster that had died out. 4. 湿杯子在桌面上留下一个痕迹。 The wet glass left a mark on the surface of the table. 5. 我看见一只兔子钻进洞。 I saw a rabbit dive into its hole. 6. 这个项目所处的区域面积约450亩。 This project will cover an area of 450 Chinese mu. 7. 拍照是一种保存和分享回忆的方式。 Taking photos is a way of saving and sharing memories. 预习自测: 选词填空 claimed sceptical exists attack frightening She started to _____ the burglar with a piece of wood. 2. It is _____ to think how easily children can be hurt. 3. The custom of arranged marriages still ______ in many countries. 4. Many scientists remain _____about the value of this research program. 5. That old lady _____ that she had a lot of money. 我的疑问: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 课内探究 质疑探究: 1 They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. 他们说,水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的生物。 学情诊断 (1)用likely,possible,probable填空 Are we_____to arrive on time? ②It is _____ that we will arrive before dark. ③Rain is_____ but not _____ this evening. (2)It seems that it is ________ to rain,so take the umbrella with you. A.likeB.likelyC.unlikeD.unlikely 归纳拓展 be unlikely to do sth.不可能做某事 It is unlikely that...不可能…… be likely to do sth.可能做…… It is likely that...可能…… It is possible/probable that...可能…… It is possible ?for sb.? to do sth.?某人?可能做某事 易错提示 (1)likely既可以用人也可以用物作主语。 (2)possible和probable表示客观上有可能,不能以人作主语。probable的可能性比possible大。 2 学情诊断 完成句子 (1)My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon,so he couldn’t_have_attended (不可能听了) your lecture.




