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framework??? n.[C] the basic structure of sth. that gives it shape and strength 框架;结构 ? How do you feel you can develop your skills within the framework of the team? 你认为怎样可以在团队中提高你的技能呢? mould??? n.[U] 霉;霉菌 ? He obtained a sample of the mould from the mountain, and discovered that it had been incorrectly identified. 他从山里取得了一个这种霉菌的标本,发现人们以前对它的认识并不正确。 lodge??? [C] a small house in the country 乡村小屋 a ski lodge 滑雪小屋 vt. provide sb. with a place to stay for a short time?提供住宿 The refugees were lodged in an old building for the time being 难民暂时住在一栋旧楼里。 ?shiver??? [C] a shaking movement of body, esp. because of cold or fear 颤抖;发抖 The thought of sleeping in such an old lodge sent a shiver through her. 想到要睡在这样的旧小屋里她就浑身发抖。 Vt. tremble or shake slightly, esp. because of cold or fear?颤抖;发抖 She was shivering with terror. 她吓得发抖。 inspire??? vt.1. make sb. have a particular feeling or react in a particular way 激起;促成 ? His novel was inspired by his relationship with his first wife. 这部小说的灵感来自他跟第一任妻子的情缘。 2. give sb. the idea for sth., esp. a story, painting, poem, etc.?激发灵感;启发 ? Her strength was her ability to inspire confidence rather than fear in her friends. 她的长处是能够给她的朋友以信心而不是恐惧。 sip??? v.drink sth. slowly in small amounts 小口喝;抿 He smiled and sipped his drink, glancing across at the phone as he refilled his glass. 他一边笑着一边慢慢喝着饮料,往杯里加饮料时还瞟了一眼对面的电话。 upright??? a.straight 直立的,立式的 ? an upright electric fan 立式电扇 considerate??? a.thinking about the feelings and needs of other people 体贴的;关切的 considerable hedge??? v.avoid giving a direct answer to a question 避免正面回答 ? They hedged in answering various questions about the operation. 他们拒绝正面回答关于手术的各种问题。 rival??? n.[C] sb. or sth. that is as good as sb. or sth. else 匹敌者;可相比的东西 ? A rival shop has been set up in the same street. 在同一条街上又开了家抢生意的商店。 declaration??? n.[C, U] a statement 声明;公告 ? In his speech he made a strong declaration of support for the rebels. 他在演说中郑重地声明表示支持叛乱者。 comparable??? a.1. similar to sth. so it is reasonable


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