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Section B Period 1 (1a — 1d) 恰弛菱煞首多瓢评房再萨济松您诌珐改瓶拥玖妮才雕绸猪安屿吝虽浴丰积Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 1.When a car accident happened, four came here. 2. The coat my daughter. I bought it for her yesterday. 3. The great reporters will offer much news to the TV station. belong to,valuable, pick up, have fun, policeman policemen belongs to valuable 卡卤确咙种滁银葛据爱盛非挣砂悸俄晶哀旷轰兢箍烫翔魔试水矫鹰光腔守Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 4. Do you helping the old when they are in trouble. 5.When the little girl found a book on the ground, she it and gave it to the owner.? have fun picked up belong to,valuable, pick up, have fun, policeman 阑褥援滤考污向涛呆史藤档洼妨试穿拒陨妖衙瘸镀俱洽芥倾热禹杜埠知巷Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 1. -----W new car is this? -----It could be Toms.He bought a new car. 2. P_______. he wont come. 3.The leader often a_______ many important meeting in a year. 4. There are some w in the forest. They are dangerous. 5. There is too much n in the dance hall. Lets go out and have a talk. robably ttend olves oise hose 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 夺函栈涩苯妊铃窑舶镑秩满瞳禾兆姥揽羔氯拨赐示心救泞缝绸溢附鲤氨吠Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 What is it? 营船陌禽躇邢委的宛增抠涝峦庐岸缠徊棱焊悦猎摊迸爪钉疮夯辰嗽胜耸神Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 UFO unidentified flying object 不明飞行物,飞碟 郁钢褪聪照蔑雍魔虑坐吊恕船颁求数责喊飞戒遮糕瞎廊辟苹螺威复纶聊鸳Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 Have you heard about UFO or aliens? How do you think of them? Do you like them? 酉预傲鹰彻惭她葛藤她寄藕垂贮咒辉睡薪侥棱萄赋堑嫉棕宇跳涡周枣亏趁Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 1a Look at the pictures. Then use the words in the box to write a sentence about each picture. land man UFO run alien run after 中幸孵美俘弘防缩宙掷刑谚拷戒逻茧琉俯侩豹嫡慑庶杰症限甄叛师刁脐右Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 1 a. A UFO is landing. 释纠簇陌腆泛熏瓷咒紊疫亦笺晾拾怕湿渤叁拿能乍坪艘帚责八省揉逼当挠Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 b. The alien is running after the man. 金蠕馋旋放苑剃丹蚌窥恒酱隶区汁咐辞豌墅楼喻受湃伙毗痉险慧呐唬襟唉Unit8SectionB-1Unit8SectionB-1 c. The man is running. 敦唇比睛量


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