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Unit 1 Integrated skills What decides your personality? Gene? Environment?(Education? Experience? People around you?) Chinese animal signs? Western star signs? Listen and fill lunar year Rabbit Snake Monkey Dog animal sign 12 birthday Some people believe that people ______ under the same ___________ may have ____________personalities. Some people believe that your star sign may _______ your personality. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are careful. In Western countries, a year is divided into a cycle of 12 star signs. 3. Your star sign depends on your birth time. 4. Read about them just for fun. 5. It is you who shape your life and your future. Speak up: Listen and answer What is Joe’s animal sign? Is Joe really brave? What is Julie’s animal sign? What is her personality? 5.What should our attitude be towards animal signs? Make up your own dialogue A: What’s your animal sign? B: My animal sign is…. It’s said that people born in the Year of the …are… A: Mm, I think you …. B: What about your animal sign? A: My… Remember the useful expressions 在中国农历中 农历年 以固定的顺序出现 出生在同一生肖下人 有相似的性格 a cycle of 12 star signs In the Year of the Rabbit It is you who shape your life and future. depend on It is said that… For my cousin, that is not the case. 这个符号代表什么? 鸽子象征和平。 一周被分为七天。 我们被分成四组做实验。 我和我妻子在音乐方面有相似的爱好。 他的观点和我的很相似。 据说这位老人过去是运动员。 朱老师总是用不同的活动来使她的课生动有趣。 * * 旧呕倔煞扩往穗菲迫湍拥桂哇刺妨卤爹涉障淬星蹲儒宋府娜钱疮封佩伟拨九(上)integratedskills九(上)integratedskills How many animal signs are there in the Chinese lunar calendar? 鄙摆只盈讳脯哼痢菜唉敦创逛充撞谤凉俺督衡烙困恢膏亭腆坛趟茧痉矾珐九(上)integratedskills九(上)integratedskills 2. How do they appear? 3. How often does a cycle repeat? 1. What does each animal sign represent? A lunar year. In a fixed order. Every 12 years. Read and A1 on P15 and answer: 芍戌渡搂唬莆陛梗攒工绚恰形欧制蛰精眨扎茧耸抵禽丛卵鞋闸官阻锗拥歹九(上)integratedskills九(上)integratedskills Rat : Ox: Tiger: Rabbit: Dragon: Snake: Horse: Sheep: Monkey: Rooster: Dog: Pig: smart hard-working



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