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( 二 〇 年 月 摘 要 小型风力发电系统一般由风力机直接驱动三相永磁同步发电机发电,发电机输出的三相交流电,通过不可控桥式整流器整流直接给蓄电池充电,然后经过逆变器给交流负载供电。上述系统主要的问题是缺乏最大功率跟踪控制和蓄电池充放电控制的统一考虑。 本文设计了介于整流器和蓄电池之间的电力电子接口以控制风电系统能量转换过程,在一定程度上解决了现有系统存在的问题,从而提高系统的整体运行性能。电力电子接口主要由两个模块组成:第一个模块是功率调节模块,根据风能和负载用电量来调节系统功率匹配,自动跟踪其功率点;第二个模块为充放电控制模块,根据最低出气率为前提的蓄电池可接受充电电流曲线,对蓄电池实施合理的充电。 本文设计的充放电控制电路,在风力发电机输出电压波动范围大的情况下,也能对蓄电池实施合理的充电。 关键词:风力发电;DC-DC变换器;功率点跟踪;恒压充电 说明: 1. 毕业设计说明书摘要陈述简明扼要,约300-500字。 2. 毕业设计说明书摘要应包括研究目的、研究方法、结果或结论,重点是结果或结论。 3. 毕业设计说明书摘要中一般不使用图、表、公式,不引用参考文献。 4. 毕业设计说明书摘要末另起一行,列出设计的关键词3-5个,词条间以分号相隔。 5. 毕业设计说明书摘要包括中文摘要及英文摘要,中文摘要在前,英文摘要在后。 Abstract Wind Turbine directly drives three-phase permanent magnetic synchronous generator togenerate electricity in existing mall-scale wind power generation system. Then ncontrolled bridge changes the three-phase AC into DC which is used to charge the battery. The inverter turns DC from the battery into AC which is needed by load. The main problem in the existing system is that maximum power control is separate from charging and discharging control. A power electronic interface between rectifier and battery is designed to improve the running performance of current small-scale wind power eneration system and solve the problems to a certain extent that available system has. The power electronic interface is composed of two modules. The first module is used for load power control .According to the relationship between wind energy and load power,it adjusts the power to automatically match or track load power point. The second one is the charging and discharging control module. The module is used to charge the battery correctly according to the charge curve. A charge circuit is designed to rightly charge the battery when the output voltage of the Wind Power Generator is changed greatly. Keywords:wind power generation; DC-DC converter; power point tracking; constant voltage charging 目 录 引言 …………………………………………………………………………………


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