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节能建筑外墙的热工性能 摘 要 随着社会经济的发展,新建建筑物的不断增多,在能源短缺严重的今天,建筑能耗引起极大关注。在众多解决方法中,改善建筑物围护结构的热工性能是实现建筑节能的有效途径之一,而外墙是建筑围护结构的主要组成部分,据统计通过外墙传热所造成的能耗损失约占建筑外围护结构总能耗的35%--45%,因此研究外墙热工性能具有重要而特殊的意义,而研究节能建筑外墙厚度优化是一门必不可少的课题。 本文以内蒙古中部地区常用的墙体材料、墙体结构、构造层次等为研究内容,结合当地的气候环境等条件,研究计算了内蒙古中部地区典型的已建和在建节能建筑外墙的热工性能,并运用热经济学,综合考虑建筑物能量消耗和墙体造价,对墙体材料进行,并建立了墙体厚度优化的数学模型,确定了最佳墙体保温层厚度的式。With the development of social economy, the new building has increased, and energy shortage serious today, building energy consumption attracted much attention. Improvements in building palisade structure of the thermal performance is to realize the energy conservation of the building one of the effective ways of exterior wall, and building palisade structure is the main part, according to statistics, the outside wall of the loss caused by heat transfer energy consumption accounts for about the total energy consumption structure building periphery of 35%--45%, so the study of exterior wall thermal performance has important and special significance, research and energy-saving building exterior wall thickness optimization is an essential task. In this paper, the commonly used in middle Inner Mongolia wall materials, wall structure, inferior as the research content, compatible with the local climate environment conditions, study the calculation in middle Inner Mongolia typical been built and energy-saving building under construction of exterior wall thermal performance, and the use of a hot economics, considering building energy consumption and wall body of walling material cost, the thermal performance, bearing capacity and cost is analyzed and calculated, and set up the wall thickness of the optimization mathematical model, the optimum wall thickness and the optimization of the insulation layer thickness formula. Provide a wall choice, wall body size optimization of basis. At last this paper through the selection in middle Inner Mongolia commonly used of wall type, based on the combination of the climate characteristics and loc


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