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考点: 分数的表达 【口诀】分子用基数(one,two...), 分母用序数(first,second...) 分子大于1,分母用复数, 谓语单或复,看修饰名词。 【中考链接】 (2013,姜堰) It’s an international school, and ___ of the students ____ from foreign countries.(2/3) (2013, 镇江) ___ of his time ___ been spent on studies every day.(4/5) 与other有关的总结 当总数只有两个,或把一个整体明确分为两部分时,用one and the other; 当泛指“一些...,另一些...”时,用some...and other(s)... another强调“另一,又一” 【中考链接】: 1.一些学生...而另一些学生...(模考卷二作文) 2.---Helen, would you like ____ cup of tea? ---No, thanks. I’m not thirsty now. (2012,南通) 3.We have two foreign teachers here. One is from England, and _____ is from America.(中考指南) 将非延续性动词转化成延续性动词 buy borrow/lend open close begin/start finish die get up wake up fall asleep join leave arrive/reach * * * * LOGO * * LOGO Writing (写作) Filling the blanks with the first letters (首字母填空) have keep be open be closed be on be over be dead be up be awake be asleep be in /be a member of be away be in/at Task Reading (任务型阅读) types 1. passage (文段型) 2. diagram (图表型) A: Searching (信息查找) B:Transition (信息转换) C: Summary (信息归纳) 作文: 1.书写工整 在线上; 倾斜度一致; 大小一致; 单词间距适中 2.分段 3.时态 4.词汇、句式、衔接、字数、完整性 假如你是Jim,你校试行在课间播放音乐,你班的同学对此进行了讨论,看法不一,大多数同学赞成,而部分同学反对。请你根据表格里的信息,给你们校长写封信,介绍大家的看法,同时谈谈自己的看法。词数:90左右。(开头结尾不记入总数) 2014年镇江中考模拟卷(三)作文 …… 你的观点 课间时间太短,播放音乐达不到预期效果。 有时上课后还沉浸在课间听的音乐中,对上课有影响。 音乐给人们带来快乐。 使大脑得到放松。 能提高下一课的学习效率。 原因 反对者 赞同者 Can you find out these useful phrases? 1.大部分同学赞成 2.给人们带来快乐 3.提高下一课的学习效率 4.达不到预期效果 5.课间时间太短 6.沉浸在音乐中 7.对上课有影响 1. most of us agree... 2. make sb. feel happy 6. be lost in the music 4. get the expected results 5. the break is short 3. improve the study efficiency 7. have a bad effect on studies Please remember these useful phrases Fill in the blanks What’s more besides after we have had a discussion about whether to play music during the break. All the students in our class gave the ideas. most of us agree the music should be played. They think listening to music can make them feel


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