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How to improve your sentences in writing ---语法结构在写作句式提升中的使用 一、非谓语动词(现在分词/过去分词/不定式) 1、高考链接 (2010广东高考基础写作,报道,禁烟) 受二手烟影响人数:约5.4亿 因二手烟死亡人数:超过10万/年 Around 540 million people are affected by second-hand smoke, ___________________________________ causing 100,000 deaths per year/ causing 100,000 people to die every year. leading to /resulting in 100,000 deaths. leading ...people to die. 2012广东高考基础写作,报道,人物介绍) 姓名:Allan Stewart 国籍:澳大利亚 出生日期:1915年3月7日 世界纪录:2006年获硕士学位时年龄最大 _____________________, Allan Stewart, (who is) an Australian, became the oldest man __________________________ Born on March 7, 1915, to obtain a masters degree over the world in 2006. Practice: 1、要解决这些问题和提高我们自己,我们应该敢于乐观地承认我们的缺点。 To solve such problems and improve ourselves, we should dare to admit our shortcomings with an optimistic attitude. 2、担心环境问题和严重浪费资源,中国禁止了免费塑料袋。 Worried about environmental issues and a severe waste of resources, China banned the free plastic bags. 3、(2010广东高考基础写作,报道,禁烟) 内容:公共场所禁烟 实施时间:2011年1月1日起 目标:所有室内公共场所无烟 _____________________________, the dicision will be carried out from January 1, 2011. (In order) to make all the indoor public places smoke-free Aiming to … Aiming at… 4、活动时间:上周三上午9:00 活动内容:勤俭节约,绿色校园为主题的 演讲比赛 活动组织者:学生会 活动目的:提高学生的环保意识 The Students Union held a speech on how to keep a green campus with hard-work and energy-saving at 9:00 am last Wednesday, aiming to arouse the students awareness of environmental protection. In order to arouse the students awareness of environmental protection, the Students Union held a speech, whose theme is ... ............, with the theme of ... 二、定语从句 广东高考链接 (2010广东高考基础写作,报道,禁烟) 内容:公共场所禁烟 实施时间:2011年1月1日起 目标:所有室内公共场所无烟 The decision , _________________________, will come into effect from January 1, 2011. which aims to make all indoor public places smoke-free whose aim is to .... Practice: 1、措施: 提高公民环保意识对我们有长远的好处。 (2014佛山一模基础写作,环保雾霾天气) It is necessary for us to arouse peoples awareness of environmental protection, which wi



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