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Face long, round, small, square… Eyes big, small, round, bright, smiling… Nose long, short, big, small, straight… Hair black, dark brown, long, short, straight, ponytail… Looks beautiful, pretty, good-looking, handsome, lovely, cute, slim, thin, fat, strong, tall, short, smart, sporty… What does your friend look like? She/He is …. She/He has … personality(个性) Personality friendly, kind, polite, honest, helpful, generous, humorous, patient, clever, hard-working… What is your friend like? Why do you choose him/her as your friend? 1. She is kind to the people around her. She is willing to share things with her friends. She is ____________. 2. She never tells lies. I believe what she says. We all think she is very ________. 3. She is ready to help people any time. She helps me with my homework and she always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need. When I have problems, I always go to her. She is very_________. helpful honest My best friend generous 4. She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone. She is ________. sweet 5. She works hard at her job. She always does her work till mid-night. She is a ______________university teacher. hard-working 6. She is good at telling jokes. She often makes us laugh. She is ________ I never feel bored with him. humorous. /She has a good sense of humour. 7. She does well in Maths. She always does it quickly. We all think she is very _______. 8. When something worries me. I can always go to her. I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret. She is a ____ friend. 9. When I am sad, she always cares about me. I can share my joy and sadness with her. She is so __________. friendly true clever Betty has a good voice, she wants to be a _____ when she grows up. future plan Nora is always kind to people, She has many friends. She likes to listen to people carefully. If she can make other people happy, she will be happy too. She would like to be a _____ _____. Sandy loves drawing and she’d li


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