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Translate the sentences. 1. 我想要和你一起去购物。 2. 我知道他喜欢集邮。 3. 店里有不同各类的玩具吗? 4. Sandy想给我妈妈买一件生日礼物。 I’d like to go shopping with you. I know he likes collecting stamps. Are there different kinds of toys in the shop? Sandy wants to buy a birthday gift for her mother. Review all the new words and language points in this unit. 学科网 He is writing a note. note 便条;笔记 They are waiting at the bus stop. bus stop 公共汽车站 学科网 They are enjoying dinner in the restaurant. restaurant n. 饭馆;饭店 They are working on the top. top adj. (位置,级别等)最高的 n. 顶部, (物体的)上面 Read these new words note n. 笔记;便条 bus stop n. 公共汽车站 restaurant n. 饭馆;饭店 top adj. (位置、级别等)最高的 n. 顶部, (物体的)上面 学科网 I found some beautiful flowers on my desk. I was very happy .(Now, I’m still very happy.) I don’t know who sent those flowers to me. I’ll say ‘Thank you!’ to them. Why do they sent me presents? Let’s learn some words about “teacher’. Who can tell what we learnt in the last lesson? Unit 7 Study skills Consonants (III) /f/ /v/ / / / / / / / / /s/ /z/ /tr/ /dr/ / / / / /ts/ /dz/ Consonant groups At the beginning of a word At the end of a word Class is over. Amy is cleaning the blackboard. Daniel is sleeping on the floor. Sandy is wearing glasses and making a model plane. 「kl」 「bl」 「sl」 「fl」 「gl」 「pl」 Please read after me and pay attention to the coloured letters. 「sli:p」「bli:k」「flau? 」「plei」「gl?u」 A pretty girl is eating some bread on the grass. But her friend is crying beside her. 「br」 「kr」 「fr」 「gr」 「pr」 「brek」 「krezi」 「fr?m」 「greit」 「pripl」 There are some small stars in the sky. It seems that they want to speak to the twenty people in the street. But the people do not pay attention to them. Because there is some snow on the road. star 「t」reads「d」 sky「k」reads「g」 speak 「p」reads「b」 street「tr」reads「dr」 school skirt skate spend stand spide we have learned some consonant groups at the beginning of a word. we also should know so


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