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Show your thinking map Group work: 1 小组内展示并谈论thinking map。 2 每人准备一个问题和大家共同讨论。 3 组内完善并修改你的thinking map,选出一个最棒的全班展示,并把组内仍未解决或有争议的问题全班讨论。 Learning tips:(这些句子可帮助你组织语言) Yang ling/Mike has____for breakfast/lunch/dinner. He/she likes______. He/she doesn’t like____. He /she only eats/drinks______________________. Let’s debate(辩论) Which food is healthier(更健康)? Chinese food Western food Tips: 陈述观点的句子I think…/In my opinion,… 反驳对方的句子I don’t think so/I can’t agree with you. Group work: 1 小组内确定辩题Western food /Chinese food. 2 组员每人给出一个理由。若组员在表达上有困难,大家可以帮助他组织语言。 3 组长记录整理论据。 Give some suggestions(建议) Group work: 1 小组内每人给一个建议,注意提建议的句型结构。 2 组员如果在表达上有困难,大家可以帮他组织语言,或纠正语法错误。 2 组长以关键词的形式把建议整理下来,并汇报。 In two years ,… Practice time Healthy diet Group work: 1 四人一小组,组内讨论,确定话题。 2 创设情景,人物,时间,地点等。 3 对于表达有困难的同学,要给予帮助,或安排内容较少的句子。 4 小剧内容要涉及healthy diet 内容。 In the supermarket At the table In the kitchen A healthy diet. A happy life(生活). A bright future(未来). Introduce the Food Pyramid to your family. (向你的家人介绍食物金字塔) 2. Write 1-2 suggestions on healthy diet for your friends. (请给你的好友写1-2条健康饮食的建议) 3 Surf the internet: and finish Homework. * 6BUnit3 Storytime Do you remember Wang Bing’s good habits? Does Liu Tao go to bed early? Why? What time did you get up this morning? Do you usually get up early? Do you go to bed late? Early to bed early to rise is a good habit. Did you have breakfast? What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you have….for you breakfast? Do you have….for you breakfast?  Today well go on studying good habits. But its for food. Its for our healthy diet Unit 3 A healthy diet meat 肉 Vegetables 蔬菜 fish 鱼 egg 鸡蛋 fruit 水果 rice 米饭 noodles 面条 sweet food water What does Mike like eating? What does he have for breakfast / lunch / dinner? Does Mike have a healthy diet? He likes eating ______________. He doesn’t like drinking ________. He only drinks a little ____ every day. Breakfast: He has some __________ Lunch and dinner : He has __________ Every w


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