The call the wild.ppt

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The call the wild

The call the wild --by Jack London growl V 1~(at sb/sth)低声吼叫 2~at sb发出低沉的吼叫,咆哮 Eg She growled a sarcastic reply. 她以讥讽的口吻咬牙切齿地作了回答。 N 怒吼声,咆哮 近义词 complain;grumble;snarl grumble指因对处境、待遇不满或其他个人因素而愤愤不平地向他人诉苦或自言自语。 complain侧重因对处境不满、待遇不公或自己有痛苦等而向别人诉说、埋怨。 crash vt. vi. 1.?(使)猛撞, (使)撞毁 vi. 1.?猛冲直撞2.?发出巨响3.?突然失败, 倒闭4.?撞坏,摔坏,砸碎 n. 1.?撞车事故, 失事2.?突然发出的巨响, 碰撞声3.?破产, 失败4.?(机器或系统,尤指计算机或计算机系统的)崩溃 crash and burn (北美,非正式)悲痛欲绝;一败涂地 crash and burn【俚语】 1. 彻底失败 2. 精疲力尽后入睡 3. 清除,如在滑雪板上 Let go 1.放手,松手 Let sb/sth go Eg Don’t let the rope go.别松开绳子。 2.放弃,摒弃 Eg Is time to let the past go.该忘掉过去了。 Let sb down使失望,美中不足 Eg She speaks French very fluently ,but her pronunciation lets her down. Let sth down 放下,降下,降低 argue 不及物动词 vi. 1. 争论,辩论;争吵[(+with/over/about)] Im not going to argue with you tonight. 我今晚不想与你争辩。 2. 提出理由[(+for/against)] He argued against the plan. Argument n Arguably adv 可论证地,按理 Argue the toss (对决定)徒然反对,做无谓的争执 broken 被驯服的, 被制服的, 被打败的 brokenly adv 断断续续地,不规则地 Broken English 说得不流利的英语 A broken spirit 消沉的意志,心灰意懒 A broken sobs 断断续续地抽噎 obeyed Adj顺从的 obey(obeyed,obeyed) vt. vi. 服从; 听从 The boy wont obey. 这孩子不听话。 All I had to do now was to obey him in silence. 这时, 我要做的只是默默地服从他。 vt. .遵守; 遵循 Everyone must obey the law. 人人都必须遵守法律。 语源 Middle English: from Old French obeir, from Latin oboedire, from ob- in the direction of + audire hear Notice(noticed,noticed) n. 预告, 通知 These rules are subject to change without notice. 这些规则可不经通知就进行更改。 V 注意,关注,理会 The teacher noticed that one student was missing. 老师发现一个学生不见了。 at short (或 a moments) notice 临时通知,提前很短时间通知 put someone on notice (或 serve notice) 正式警告(某人某事将会或可能发生);正告 take no notice 不注意 chase away 赶走, 驱逐 The dog ran out into the garden and chased the birds away. 狗奔进了花园, 赶跑了那群鸟。 Chase after追捕, 跑步追上,追求(某人) The huntsmen rode fast, chasing after the fox. 猎人们疾驶, 追捕那只狐狸。 Shes been chasing after that man for years. 数年来, 她一直在追求那个男人。 Drive off驱逐 Run afer 追赶 Threw himself at 猛扑向 threw oneself at Throw(threw,thr


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