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杖器僵箩青节琵纯鸥温鸽屉绽怕憋溅缝锁寅传酱琉鹏绵桓鸭寒漠惕座篇疏7BUnit6OutdoorfunReading17BUnit6OutdoorfunReading1 Watch a video 胶伶徊仑递啊津亥荫酬祝悉徽斧汁品漆煤络咯戏囤敌橡镊碘绑尉屡铃至叁7BUnit6OutdoorfunReading17BUnit6OutdoorfunReading1 the white rabbit in a coat(穿着衣服的白兔子) watch n.(手表) get away surprise be/feel surprised (离开,逃脱) v.(使惊奇) (感到惊奇的) hole 洞穴 take the watch out of 从…中拿出手表 Pre-reading 酬逻君仟漫足也躁文去醉膏员惜歼词劝帕箔卵饯耿英禄眠重妥暗崎统芬须7BUnit6OutdoorfunReading17BUnit6OutdoorfunReading1 for a long time fell for a long time hit the ground fall (落了很长一段时间) (碰到了地面) [e] sit by a river 在..旁边 (坐在河边) sat by a river [?] (过去式) Alice 矣碘烧誊冤铁瘸硝萄擒桃踏毒匣炕柬故德隅渗湛宿姚让嘴锣瞻沉雪爬问痕7BUnit6OutdoorfunReading17BUnit6OutdoorfunReading1 locked go the door notice 穿过门 adj.(锁住的) through (发现) herself (她自己) alone adv.(独自) (从内部)穿过 析瘫比胞虞四靴藩糖灰休咬眷烹讣缎钵欲饺甲研霞娩年陨陕跺鞋鞭懈拥巫7BUnit6OutdoorfunReading17BUnit6OutdoorfunReading1 New words and phrases 兔子 洞 手表 落下 撞,击中 独自 锁上的 注意,察觉 穿过 使惊奇 在..旁边 她自己 rabbit hole a white rabbit in a coat 坐在河边 watch fall 跳下洞穴 一个穿衣服的白兔子 撞到地面 落了很长一段时间 hit alone 穿过门 locked notice through surprise by herself fall for a long time jump down the hole go through the door hit the ground sit/sat by the river 从…中拿出手表 take the watch out of 貌婚兜位炽思抑擒绘雨熟搅硅葬权粟蔚屑梨柔柿核币禾膊寨近遭漾牌花刷7BUnit6OutdoorfunReading17BUnit6OutdoorfunReading1 While-reading Listen to the tape and answer questions 1.What did Alice see when she heard a sound ? 2.Where was Alice after she fell for a long time? 3.Can Alice go through the small door? Why? A white rabbit. She was in a long, low hall. No. Because she was too big. Task1 皑跑谓刚闯纯鹏间盟惹涤魂极撂傅孔矢六踪惕峙杯邑耳伸责潞游需睫溢觉7BUnit6OutdoorfunReading17BUnit6OutdoorfunReading1 Read paragraph1,2 and do T or F questions 1.The story happened on a cloudy day 2. Alice was playing with a rabbit. 3. The rabbit didn’t wear clothes. 4. The rabbit could speak. F F F T her sister sunny Task2 杏驶履婉务伶漠浙治亚荚磁均刀讥缘杯骄阵霉拨迟询综雄堂扎枪篮昭寡陪7BUnit6OutdoorfunReading17BUnit6OutdoorfunReading1 Read paragraph 3 and answer questions 1.What did Alice do after t


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