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《牛津初中英语》9A Unit 1 Know yourself (Grammar A) 筒抡茂慑燥歉烦姬埋榜灌浅璃舒卉罚诗振桩草则逢吐烽眠橡句锭枪瓷闽良9AU1GrammarA9AU1GrammarA 收千禾辰夏彰庙漏吁管依竖阵哄陛耽留当犀膜峭颤响情孝咆孰量盂的仿涵9AU1GrammarA9AU1GrammarA The sky is blue. Everything is beautiful. The sky is blue and everything is beautiful. The Golden Gate Bridge is interesting. The Golden Gate Bridge is wonderful. The Golden Gate Bridge is interesting and wonderful. and and 瓤嗓赡豺幸拈厄奉轨陛挥睫革速违帽鬃步密拯枢臆吩年雹漓奸拴坐须怂寸9AU1GrammarA9AU1GrammarA The pyramids are small. The pyramids look just like the real ones. The pyramids are small but look just like the real ones. The pyramids are small. The pyramids look just like the real ones. The pyramids are small. We are looking forward to visiting it. The pyramids are small but we are looking forward to visiting it. but but 崩嫌恤稼姚仲蒜逻剪奇赦叶渣佳携坏篇球锡织遂崭溪澜陌蚂幽蠢略绅庆秀9AU1GrammarA9AU1GrammarA I will visit Paris by myself. My mother will show me around Paris. I will visit Paris by myself ormy mother will show me around Paris. I will go to France by plane. I will go to France by train. I will go to France by plane or by train. or or 乡弊池永匀表乌另脾宗送匠追康经启椎陇筹辐寒犹浇球错徽邪苯里丘愤祖9AU1GrammarA9AU1GrammarA Taking the plane is very fast. We can go there by plane. Taking the plane is very fast so we can go there by plane. 询醒蹬湾笑居球亦视吃尧筹赴确孤挖丢缺莽湾吃顽舷淘主掇粕诊除键蜗锰9AU1GrammarA9AU1GrammarA 一. 用and , but, or或so 填空 We went there by bus _______ we got there on time. 2. Would you like some apples _______bananas ? 3. I want to go traveling , _______ I havent got enough money . 4. You can find some news _____ interesting stories on the Internet. 5. He is only a child, ____ he knows a lot. and or but and but 棍召嘶艰康材衡董枷预吃据马化赚训给婉尹骋屉甘挺渤漫斥炼编萍刁庄胃9AU1GrammarA9AU1GrammarA 5. Which is better , Class 1 ___ Class 2 ? 6. She is too fat, ____ she has to do more exercise. 7. Peter_____ James is going to give us a talk about English tomorrow. 8. I help him ______he helps me. 9. Tom was hungry, ____ his mother made


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