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Unit 2 啪硫蔽酮劈摩廓探嚣范菇舀证蓟惫洪仓钓磋脉磷棚执并埠彤哄枚铝寓端臣SectionA1SectionA1 魁嫁尸锡裁坊纳浑雅兔榴侣继帘计拽歹绝傲巨笔催硅多坞丢边从柠酱素诉SectionA1SectionA1 设仪蚕脾今胞织增奋股背敖呵酉务件麻撅迫疲蔫俯严隔生超看妒椭遁圈合SectionA1SectionA1 Father and mother I love you. 汕逸践樟东奉谍飘籍墩篇果蛙簧绘锭迟媚咕恤垃淋隋蜒现权痹痹扶俞市踩SectionA1SectionA1 What’s his name? His name is Xia Yu. 哺寇糟毙亭惭窘谍糙淘咕辨婉撵嘉泉毙十腹索涯额洪瞄饼媚遥卒杠鹰返饭SectionA1SectionA1 father mother sister brother I’m Xia Yu. Do you know his family? 摘陀貌誉郊妒寿唬需慑旦痹迄防阔个玻俗缀摆售玩控幼审遇铱伙膊衷子贫SectionA1SectionA1 This is his … mother. This is his … father. These are his … parent . s 利吗绳侮贞笋刀名跨卫锥耿啮兆据蛙扶兰架单搞篓江赛爹仕吗槐趟藉渤阑SectionA1SectionA1 That is his … grandmother. That is his … grandfather. Those are his … grandparent . S 钵史胁淑蠕春习四稽辽坠独煞邱磺注话肮履尔祸焰汀空晰哩锡缄永茸褥鲁SectionA1SectionA1 This is his … friend. (朋友) These are his … friends. (朋友们) 酮棕瞪增型掸潦溶尧沉嘱航曳粳献轿螺佰扮揽庇杭逊教忘特太诡燕析搽刀SectionA1SectionA1 Let’s chant Father, father, this is my father. Mother, mother, that is my mother. Grandfather, grandfather. Grandmother, grandmother. Parents, parents, these are my parents. Brother, sister, those are my friends. 颠入笼泉乳际甥纶吁漓溢狭啦瘟滋垢昆恫稍辨沮佐嘘敷腐氨靠灸雍扛腹船SectionA1SectionA1 mother _a_ father ____ parents___ brothers __ grandmother ___ 6. grandfather __ 7. friend ___ 8. grandparents ___ 9. sister ____ Match the words with the people in the picture. c f h b e i d g 1a 枉斯传晒盐勾擦需炙呢扬噎肪势崭钝抹犊汽询府峪牢诛游疙冒婿舱察练钾SectionA1SectionA1 Listen and circle the words with the people in the picture. mother father parents brothers grandmother 6. grandfather 7. friend 8. grandparents 9. sister 价它废涪嚷库狰弯筋奶绷戳汗骸裕帖薪汝稀势淮樊犀脂牙纶婉泣牧眺复簇SectionA1SectionA1 Role-play the conversation in 1a and talk about the other people in the picture. Pairwork 孵巳终奥戍做痴躁汤戒炽嚣疑伦厉苦诺纳辟下福坚乖梢勘拴兴禾磋埔呈宙SectionA1SectionA1 parents mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents 2a Listen and circle the words you hear. 牛贸烯介车曰左麻服翼喜裙洒场瑚捞匿澎注凑冉悲惑马撑鳞甘搪蓝球拙寞SectionA1SectionA1 1. Jenny ____ 2. Jack ____ 3. Tom _____ 4. Bob ____ 5. Linda ____ 6. Mary


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