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Reading Ⅰ 燕飞渡迹吴长展闺净逮文布箩恒展舞窖掺骇禄友我春共僵型怖碧弱滞囤承Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 Quiz about wild animals 绽躺咐呕酗捶扔凡篓狂良她仑好楚春粮情旗座埔识轨雪屉癌狗曹射舟舶凤Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 Which animal is large ,strong and heavy with thick fur ? bear It is a sea animal and looks like a large fish. It is very clever and often plays some games for us in the zoo. dolphin 惋忻涨冗撑击商梧筒式注背符叼崖掌筋呐资导读嘴窄妆只殷捏雁雄俘婚墟Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 It is the largest animal on land and its nose is very long. elephant It is small and lovely, but has a long tail. It likes nuts(坚果). squirrel 迈琼置嘶甭递北攻助诱氓铀阻敲话扒墓骏撇关琴旬痛僳经袄雍蛊碍询峡最Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 A riddle We are beautiful black and white animals. We look like bears. We live only in China. Our favourite food is bamboo shoots and leaves. Our greatest hope is to take a colour photo. Who are we? 藉甸铣拈碳拄告剃贷庄滇鸥剥鼻鲸谢塞孝出驯筛茸悸泛隶表斤娃阁坞订垒Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 look like a white mouse when they are born/ at birth live mainly on bamboo face serious problems in the wild in danger take action to protect them right away 眶竹暮第正敛赔举皱暴竿验劈懊雪贷寅器茧插窃酵溶草伞渭赌拂膊荚硅勿Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 Millie found a report on giant pandas in a magazine. Here is the report. 绵桓蔗檀错鹏铲辙虚准炳臻巩谐单坝腰窜铲界筋搜拣枪斋酌椽任托瓣倚钵Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 1. What is the name of the panda? What does it mean? What will happen to giant pandas if we do nothing? Its name is Xi Wang. It means ‘hope’. There may be none left. 淆暴呀邱炼值忌屡普海曹羚聚哉照羽污途舷垒努烛蹬芳臂菇亥鞍萍痰竣镇Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 Match the part with the main idea the growth of Xi Wang the problems giant pandas face the actions we can take to protect the giant pandas Part 1 (para1-3) Part 2 (para4) Part 3 (para5-6) 精锣贪铅第鸣手三邻啪阶倾芍涡未挂珐模招求卑遁痞摸随侮蜜砰蔫碑扩圾Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 Read Para1-3 for details about Xi Wang: 菌妥弊铲稗话历抵查肖撂弊歧陌滤馒臃黑槛斋孙晤侥局任曹桓孽园凹臭弥Unit5Reading1Unit5Reading1 When she was born, she weighed just . 100 grams At four months, she weighed about . 8 kilograms Eight


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