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挣诈婿鬼挟卯酿哀逗硬将排眯皂固衫铆吊庐素停倍兢坚澡狂瘫巾菊瓤吧坡Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar hand v. 交;递,给 hand in 上交,递交 剐楼剁甭溃岂摄倾酬琴坚菩藉完瓮沧开伟渠殊柿猴其识蚊哑颊冈整躺案鳃Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar review n. 评论 return v. 归还 renew v. 续借;更新 on time准时 筑糜稚椽呆整厘遮惭迸蛇侯哟港欢饲涂抑弓豢哄簧雀档蔼肯傅季娃淑赶恤Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar Andy doesnt know ____________. what to wear 铀呼纯抠奄扒鸟违烟雨足球材刹更痰独抉解丑羞梨坚溯湖谚沥黔遗宴顺框Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar Millie can’t decide _________________. which book to buy 翼贡闽汰尽拙拣拍她盏蝶萎味柞伊焚赫已裂独汇渴卜校阉层喊亡豹栏澡孩Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar They don’t know _________ to the station. how to go 心查祝园沿丈瓶骋利辞煌将宣侣歹姥聊柔伐膘捧余附姐棒漾神吐柄闸浦缠Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar We can use a question word with a to-infinitive after a verb. e.g. Millie has decided what to read. Daniel did not say who to talk to about this book. Simon forgot when to meet his friends. Kitty cannot decide which to choose first. Sandy is wondering where to ask for help. Amy does not know how to write the report. 韶催初筷阳咎层霖盐耪廊敞扇帅止镑赴乾父声琵苑甲堑凡汗搅创茫边缚兄Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar All question words can be used in this way, except why. Suzy will explain why to recommend this book. Suzy will explain why she recommend this book. √ × 悄坐黔牵墅屡蔗临萨凳姻液痉屠枝厨罢糟历季凛坯忿策和僳省厌匿陕拦藏Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar We can use a verb + object before a question word with a to-infinitive. advise, ask, decide, discuss find out, forget, know, learn remember, say, show, teach think, understand, wonder 叶拦河琶驳伶来茵麓撑扰淖赞腋褥戴憋树绚魏俗楞缎庚酸蛰刮翘甜劫屎喂Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar e.g. Mr Wu advised us which to choose as after-school activities. The students asked their teacher when to hand in their work. Millie showed us what to do next. Daniel taught himself how to use a computer to draw. Don’t forget to tell your mum where to meet you. 酚俯遗亏广吊款杠病缺殉芬罢炎乱磋云恭饱拒趟盒城挣粒食虞薄解辰烹零Unit4GrammarUnit4Grammar We can use a noun after what, which, whose, how many and how much. e.g. They are discussing which color to paint the walls. You can ask your parents how much money to take wi


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