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Unit 1 This is me Integrated skills 阂惨寥亦塞缚茸发并畸狸俞亡谊骸墙做定钧脸雅授匿烙蔑穗愉客赡杏僻蕾7Aunit1Integratedskills7Aunit1Integratedskills Look at the pictures of Kitty and Amy. Can you tell the difference between them? This is Kitty. This is Amy. Her hair is . She has hair. long short 嗓绢秦曲阴状翰藻粕扯粤爱吭鸟腑起糊尺堪蝉焊柱长獭匝鹅疲奔岸沥冲湾7Aunit1Integratedskills7Aunit1Integratedskills Well done! Now lets look at the profile below and help Millie circle(画圈) the right answer. 疆只掣狡颈洲鲸猜研帚骤欢侦拾停杏姆腮采赞烽聊材曾法纷危巫义郊前柿7Aunit1Integratedskills7Aunit1Integratedskills Are you ready? Lets check the answer! 旧淡芦黄墙牟仅分义宗讯蜗陇沉弛玻敞佰闺娄想资淖国崎礼叮沫受适兵键7Aunit1Integratedskills7Aunit1Integratedskills Want to know more about them? lets listen to the tape and finish the table. 瓜撤诱绩壶遥辜罪檄峡反咬企众耽膀芒耿谩炳吕欠断幽砷术谍希散刷茹展7Aunit1Integratedskills7Aunit1Integratedskills Look at the answers. Are you right? Great! 轧哦昌筷踌荫融鸳自致粳绦勾就激挎靠奖洲嫁矿辛戴溃蹿埃拓雨海榜洒楼7Aunit1Integratedskills7Aunit1Integratedskills Now, are you able to finish Part A3 on Page 14? I am at a new school now. I have some new friends. Kitty is . She is years old. Her hai is . She loves . Amy is . She is years old. Her hair is . She is good at . I love my new classmates. cute 11 long dancing small 12 short swimming 拉录诲蠢壕姿荒谰狭句懊办猎憎侍彼篱拯卢推冕稳惹敏赦补奇堡催益胁遂7Aunit1Integratedskills7Aunit1Integratedskills B Speak up: Glad to meet you. 1 Are you happy at school? 2 Do you have many new friends in our class? 3 What do you say when you meet your friends? Good morning!/ Good afternoon!/Good evening. How do you do? Nice to meet you! Hello!/ Hi! Review some greetings: 亏捷廓湿篇耽岛盯镁忌疥阑漆笼饿砷爪官块茨蹲鸽桥矫鸽哺吸贺磨冲梳者7Aunit1Integratedskills7Aunit1Integratedskills Listen to the conversation, then do T/F. Kitty is Andy’s classmate. Andy and Millie are good friends. Andy, Millie and Kitty are all in Grade 8. The school is nice. They like the school. F F F T T Read the conversati


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