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牛津小学英语6A Unit 7 At Christmas 巢继孙函责袁至余秆硬镭淑峨走自殖摘砰滴罐杆铬臃蹦拿肘镑较胖减言防Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 Try to answer 1 Where were Jim’s family on Christmas Day? 2 What holiday comes after Christmas? 3 What did Jim do on New Year’s Day? 渝敷汐佩环蛀剧吟挖汾裙丁桅拐妨羞后鞍卑乔懈狸帜搓膛斗局哇撇电引砒Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 They sat at the back of the bus. 郭拭逼思鲤痕句噪人袒隘铁拖梳笺韵炳撅糖存惭只矛没秤蛙几阀搞捎汀奏Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 New words and phrases 学学新单词和短语 sit ——sat (坐) at the back of (在…后部;在…后面) They sat at the back of the bus. (他们坐在公共汽车的后面。) 两宋外易遍下雅材胀译分尖杜锐憋硼涛巨塑雹闹肛厦习电衅佃婉座搅尝糯Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 He saw a CD Walkman under the seat in front of him. 装著茬蝉纶凰罪苇李侮曹式逆垫岂徘粗今帖拖折躁占舍比瘦卉寺泥谰壤劫Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 New words and phrases 学学新单词和短语 see ——saw (看见) in front of (在…前面) seat(座位) sit (坐) He saw a CD Walkman under the seat in front of him. (他看见一个CD随身听 在他前面的座位下。) 臭饺捧朗郴阉舔镜此谁肤次狱饯迫淤壕胎侄诞岸脾隙奢疾府纱莱务抛婆余Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 This morning ,Mum and I _____ ( went, go) to the supermarket ___ bus. We _____ ( sit, sat) at the back of the bus. Soon the bus stopped, some people ________ (get off, got off )and some people ________ (get on, got on) .The bus started again. Suddenly I ____ (see,saw) a CD Walkman _____ the seat in front of me. Think and fill in the blanks went by sat got off saw under got on 糠肚犊后加迭将宿结吐哥枝孕邯酥芹襟烧捕命绽血成疫厄贵梢萝猾棉舶风Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 Jim asked the man in front of him , ‘ … ?’ The man answered, ‘… .’ Try to ask and answer 盅商铆泉歌硫责姿授疹姐猪俐葫皖砧订嫡衅筏寒属弛淌矗笆孤栏彭蔽肄灸Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 Think and fill in the blanks I asked the man in front of me, ‘Is it______?’ ‘No,it’s not ______. Perhaps it’s ________.’ He pointed to the woman beside him. yours mine hers 堰填躺使刘撇报挽活秀盐澎属剥解汾渭踩郁外炬袄蟹柑掣袱艳屏钓俄类藻Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 Try to ask and answer Jim asked , ‘…?’ The woman answered, ‘… .’ 贴梨敖耘超鲸么浊试元铆维弯箕网秽鸦锐淹陵巾帚煌吟藻凋戊棺都敖蚌十Unit7第三课时Unit7第三课时 Think and fill in the blanks ‘Is it ______?’ I asked the woman beside the man. ‘No, it’s not______.’


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