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鲁铃唐顽藻百爬筷亥绪协仿鸥川签酣玲扬进逆精黑剐馆编庙蕊爬砖诽晦额Unit_9Unit_9 Talk about the things you bought recently in pairs. 蛮娥谜戮纽沏迂矗巴宾仁沦堆讯庭骡帐到脚段拱徽侯虑装领确福弥它偷窍Unit_9Unit_9 What can I do for you? What color do you prefer? I want a large / medium / small size. What is it made of? Where is it made? 我能为你做些什么? 您喜欢什么颜色? 我想要一个大/中/小号。 它是什么材质的? 它是哪里生产的? 邱问蚂塑颊怂饿嚼踩褐冗炽斧验滩微请秩并直庙莽畦抑孤越症峪膝噶昨窄Unit_9Unit_9 相夷睁氦搂畴发堤构帕凰敝裕散汹钢勇呼游衫丑氧摘丸早充孔伊杉闽焊柜Unit_9Unit_9 Look at the picture and answer questions. In Mrs. Lawson’s home She felt surprised. 已燥喂崎沙浩犬伸霍触奈毒明嘿颁拆升鼻扶拜防吵妓臀枢赡当脚截筋苞西Unit_9Unit_9 Read and match the main idea for each paragraph. It was a week after Christmas. After breakfast, Mrs. Lawson started to sort all the gifts in her son’s room. She suddenly noticed that almost all the gifts were made in China. “Ah, that’s interesting!”, thought Mrs. Lawson. After lunch, she drove to a shopping center to buy a pair of new shoes for her son and candles for her daughter’s birthday cake. She was surprised to find that all the shoes there were from China and all the candles were also from China. “Well, that’s surprising!”, said Mrs. Lawson to herself. 等污炊饶油也奎驻烽湛翅掏奢糙票煞票蝉酞旧哺霓集茁羌煞吧阉袒姿二锈Unit_9Unit_9 In the afternoon she drove back home. As she sat on the sofa in the living room for a good rest, she looked around and was even more surprised. The label “made in China” is everywhere. It is seen on the screen of the TV, in the pile of tennis shoes by the door, in the colorful lights on the Christmas tree, on the lovely dress of the doll.... At dinnertime the doorbell rang. It was Mr. Lawson. “Honey, I just bought a new CD. The band has a very funny name! Look!” Mrs. Lawson was most surprised. On the cover of the CD she found “Everything is made in China!”. Read and match the main idea for each paragraph. 眼鹊元建姥猴乏断赦盎牌弓桔啡刁骇蚂锈抨孪终形二狠滴淹紫妒课一增钟Unit_9Unit_9 Read and match the main idea for each paragraph. 翰棵核烛敢烬晴至秸惠彪厨陕鸡员扦羌过撒苦劈顾繁逸囊章瓤猛乘条钓芝Unit_9Unit_9 Read the passage again and tick the things made in China. 栈炕狞褪钝揣跑



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