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How tall the man is! What a tall man (he is)! Millie is asking Simon what he knows about Superman. Help Millie complete the conversation with What and How. M: What can Superman do, Simon? S: Superman can see through walls. M: _____ amazing! His eyes are just like X-rays. S: Yes. He can also burn things with his eyes. M: _____ special eyes he has! How about his ears? How What S:He can hear things far away. M: _____ strange! What else can he do? S: He can stop a train with his hands. M: _____ strong he is! Can he fly? S: Yes. He can fly as fast as light. M: _____ a wonderful man! How How What I. What与How大转换。 1. What a pretty girl she is! _____ ______ the girl is! 2. How difficult the questions are! _____ ________ _________ they are! 3. How big the factory is! _____ __ big factory __ ____! How pretty What difficult questions What a it is 4. What a clever boy! _____ ______ the boy _____! 5. How tall the trees are! ______ tall trees ____ ____! 6. What interesting books they are! ____ __________ the books ____! 7. How funny the girl is! _____ __ funny girl ___ ___! How clever is What they are are How interesting What a she is 8. How old the man is! _____ ___ old man ___ ___! 9. What nice books they are! ____ ____ the books ____! 10. How amazing the building is! _____ ___ amazing building __ __! he is What an How nice are What an it is II. 将下列句子改为感叹句。 The girl is very pretty. How pretty the girl is! What a pretty girl she is! 2. This is an old watch. How old this watch is! What an old watch it (this) is! 1. Make sentences using “can, could, may” and “What, How”. 2. Preview “Integrated skills”. smoke v. 吸(烟), 抽(烟) take an X-ray 照X光 camera n. 照相机 — By the way, may I borrow your camera? — No problem. 顺便问一下 I could not ride a horse at five. Now I can. ride a horse 骑马 ride a bike 骑自行车 ... could not ... Now ... can ... fly a kite 放风筝 ... coul



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