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热点单词(P.184) generosity poem;poet; poetic characteristic; character criminal;crime reunion;reunify;unite;union;united 自主学习 novelist violence threatening 记忆魔法 reputation;shortcomings wisdom;talent;financial;brand 热点短语 classic literature 2. have a place in the world 3. be based on / be set in 4. be left to gather dust at that time 6. modern adaptation see sb. free from… 8. bent on(doing)sth be performed on stage take sb to court 11. make… out of … 12. on the run 13. mourn one’s death 完成句子 Make people happy. would rather;than. appreciate it. 强化训练(P.327) Ⅰ. 翻译句子 1. Neither of the books is published in England 2. I agree to none of these plans 3. Nobody can come in without permission 4. Having heard the news,everybody felt surprised. / There was nobody but felt surprised. 强化训练(P.327) Ⅰ. 翻译句子 5. It wasn’t long before he told us about the affair. 6. We can hardly praise his achievement too much. 7. No sooner had he entered the office than the telephone rang. 8. None but a fool would do such a thing. 强化训练(P.327) Ⅱ.完形填空(A) 01—05. CAADC 06—10. BDACA 11—12. BB 完形填空(B)(P.327) for He and what With amazed the by 强化训练(P.327) Ⅰ.阅读理解 01—05. CBACD 阅读简答(P.) It’s sorted,filtered,decontaminate,deodorized and compressed. Newspaper will disappear Because over 2 billion people travel at the same time. Coal,natural gas,solar power,nuclear power and water. 各个击破(P.329) Ⅰ. 单项填空 01—05. ADBBA 06—10. BABCB 11—15. AAABA 16—20. DACDA 21—25. ADBBC 26—30. CBBDA Homework 精练24 感谢您的关注 Thank you for your attention ! 倒  装 英语句子中,将谓语的一部分或全部置于主语之前的语序叫做倒装语序。而倒装可分为两种:将整个谓语提到主语之前的叫完全倒装(full invention);而只将be,情态动词或者助动词放在主语之前的叫做部分倒装(partial invention)。 一、英语中完全倒装句式的几种情形 1.out, in, up, down等方位副词在句首时; 2.here, there等地点副词在句首时; 3.now, then, finally等时间副词在句首时; 4.away, off等状态副词在句首时; 5.表示地点的介词词组在句首时; 6.象声词在句首时; 7.直接引语放前面,引出说话人时; 8.在表示祝愿的句式中:Long live…!; 9.上述情况下,如主语为人称代词,不需要倒装。 二、英语中部分倒装句式使用的情形如下 1.当only引导的副词,介词短语,从句放句首作状语时; 2.当


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