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任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日 Unit 15 The necklace Teaching aims and demands Goals Talk about drama and theatre. use the modal verbs must, can/could, may/might Ask for permission Talk about possibilities Write and act a short play 任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日 Title Period 1 Warming up and listening Teaching objectives To enliven the students’ thinking an make up a story. To train the students’ ability of listening and let some information about the short play. Teaching Keys and Difficulties the new words and phrases Teaching Procedure Step 1 Lead –in T: What do you like doing in your spare time? S: Watching TV/play; seeing a film T: Where do you watch a play? S: At the theatre. T: What do we call the person who writes a play? S: A playwright. . T: What do you know about drama and theatre? …. T: Do you like making up a story? Let us open your books on page15. Step 2 Warming up I. Let the students discuss them in groups to make up a short play Including the setting, time , place and characters. Teachers show the suggested answers in the CAI. Setting: It’s a fine day. Two young people are hiking along the seaside when they meet an old man. Time: One day in Summer. Place: Scene 1: near the sea ; Scene 2: in a cave; Scene 3: outside a cave . Characters: 3 persons ( Tom, Jane and an old man ) II. Role-play: Get several groups to act out their plays A possible story, Long time ago, two boys happened to find a magic map which showed some treasure hidden in a tower in a giant mountain while hiking in the mountain. 很久以前,两个男孩无意中发现了一副藏宝图,地图表示在深山的古塔里,有许多珍宝。 任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日 Teaching Procedure They were full of curiosity and decided to find the treasure. They met an old man on a golden beach. The kind old man showed them the way to the tower and when they were leaving, he als



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