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* 四年级上册 Unit 2 I can name some fruit I can use ‘Do you have…?’ to ask questions. 我能说出一些水果类单词。 我会用“Do you have…” 问问题。 I know the sound of the letter ‘h’. 我知道字母“h”的发音。 What fruit do you know? 小组内说一说你课后学到水果类单词。 fruit Let’s say : Let’s sing : Let’s learn : Do you like purple grapes, Purple grapes, purple grapes? Yes, I like purple grapes. Oh! They’re nice and sweet. 紫色的 甜的 Let’s sing : apples What similar words can you say? 你能说出多少同类词? red four sweet Purple grapes, purple grapes. Nice and sweet. I like purple grapes. pananas mangoes pineapples apples pears oranges red yellow orange green … one two three four … big small sweet nice long Let’s chant : have I can name some fruit I can use ‘Do you have…?’ to ask questions. 我能说出一些水果类单词。 我会用“Do you have…” 问问题。 I know the sound of the letter ‘h’. 我知道字母“h”的发音。 √ They’re yellow fruit. Do you a/ any…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Let’s guess : It’s nice and sweet. It’s purple. Do you a/ any…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Let’s guess : They are sweet. They’re red and green Do you a/ any…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Let’s guess : Play in your groups. 小组内玩猜谜游戏。 Do you have a/any…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. I have… Draw and say : Tips: heart--to concentrate. Listen carefully and try to catch the information. 心到—聚精会神。仔细听,试着抓语言中信息。 like have like have Check out. 和同桌一起讨论一下,核对答案,然后再将错误的 答案修改正确读一读。 --Do you like …? --Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. --Do you have any …? --Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. --How many … do you have? --I have … Make a dialogue : I can name some fruit. I can use ‘Do you have…?’ to ask questions. 我能说出一些单水果类词。 我会用“Do you have…” 问问题。 I know the sound of the letter ‘h’. 我知道字母“h ”的发音。 *


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