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Translation 1.Millie 的英语比Jenny好. Millie’s English is better than Jenny’s. 2.我想游泳是最有趣的运动. I think swimming is the most interesting sport. 3. 上海比镇江大. Shanghai is bigger than Zhenjiang. 4. 他是我们四个中最胖的. He is the fattest of us four. Underline the British words and write the American words above them:(Finish Part B on Page 19) Daniel: Hi, Simon. Where are you going? Simon: I’m going to buy a toy lorry for my cousin in shop near our school. Daniel: I’ll go with you. I’d like to buy some biscuits. Simon: Do you have any plans for the weekend? Daniel: I want to see a film. Shall we go together? Simon: I’d love to ,but the school football team will practise this Saturday. We have an important match this autumn. * Unit 2 School Life ! Comic strip Welcome to the unit 根据汉语完成句子: 1.我的家乡正变得越来越美丽。 My hometown is getting . 2 .我的自行车比我的贵得多。 Your bike is than mine. 3 .你读的英文书越多,你的英语就会越好。 English books you read, you will be at your English. 4 .她是两个女孩中比较高的那个。 She is the two girls. 5 .他比班上其他任何一个男孩都聪明。 He is any other boy in his class. 6 .露西和莉莉,谁更苗条? Who ,Lucy or Lily? more and more beautiful nicer and nicer much more expensive The more the better the taller of cleverer than is slimmer 查 1.她是班上年纪最小的。 She is the class. 2 .他是我们班最高的一名男生之一。 He is in our class. 3 .黄河是中国的第二长河。 The Yellow River is river in China. 4 .露西、埃米和桑迪哪个最大? Who is ,Lucy ,Amy or Sandy? the youngest in one of the tallest boys the second longest the oldest 5.黄河是中国第二长河流。 The Yollow River is the second longest river in China. Do you know which countries the flags stand for? What language do they speak? China England the


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