btf系统处理兼氧池恶臭废气工程设计 毕业设计 .doc

btf系统处理兼氧池恶臭废气工程设计 毕业设计 .doc

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btf系统处理兼氧池恶臭废气工程设计 毕业设计

设计总说明 恶臭污染物是仅次于颗粒污染物的又一大类气态污染物。对于低浓度恶臭污染的控制较难。寻求合理的治理途径和控制方案已成为世界各国亟待解决的热点课题。生物法净化恶臭气体是近年来发展起来的工艺,与传统净化工艺相比,具有设备简单、投资少、运行费用低、无二次污染等优点,因而受到学者的重视。 本毕业设计方向是采用生物法处理低浓度恶臭气体的设计,既是BTF系统处理兼氧池恶臭废气工程设计,BTF系统就是指生物滴滤池系统。考虑到工程实际经济可行性本毕业设计决定采用生物滴滤池工艺。设计以阔叶林树木材锯末为填料,通过将气体加湿,调节PH值,使气体中的恶臭成分在微生物的作用下分解为二氧化碳和水。具体内容是在气流量确定的情况下设计生物滴滤池等设备以净化恶臭气体其中包括集气罩、管道布置、风机选择、鼓风机房、填料等各方面的设计计算,以实现90%祛除恶臭污染物的最终效果。 关键词:恶臭,生物法,生物滴滤 Abstract Odor pollutant particles of pollutants is the second largest category of another gaseous pollutants. To control low-concentration smog pollution is difficult. For rational management and control programs have become the worlds countries need to resolve the hot topic. Biological purification odors in recent years to develop the technology with the traditional purification process when compared with simple equipment, small investment, low operating costs and no secondary pollution advantages, thus academics seriously. The graduation design direction is the use of biological treatment of low concentration of odorous gases design, taking into account the economic feasibility of engineering graduates of the design decisions biological trickling filter technology. Lin designed to hardwood timber sawdust as filler, by gas humidification and adjust pH, so that the stench of gas components of the microbial decomposition of the effects of carbon dioxide and water. Specific content of the gas flow is determined by the design of low biological filter, and other equipment to clean up the malodorous gases including gas gathering enclosures. piping layout, fan choice, the blower, fillers and other aspects of the design, to achieve 90% eliminate the stench of the ultimate effect of pollutants. Keywords : Odor,Biological,Biotrickling filter 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究的目的和意义 1 1.2恶臭气体与大气污染简述 1 1.2.1恶臭气体的分类与产生 1 1.2.2恶臭气体物的污染特征及危害 3 1.3 恶臭处理国内外研究状况和线路 6 1.3.1 恶臭处理目前国内外的研究状况概述 6 1.3.2 恶臭处理的主要研究线路及未来的展望 6 1.4恶臭治理技术的比较和选取 14 1.4.1恶臭气体的生物处理特点 14 1.4.2恶臭气体物的生物转化 15 1.4.3恶臭气体物生物去除过程 15 1.4.4生



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