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五年级各单元重点 Unit 1 Remember the rules 重点词汇: 1、talk quietly 小声说话 2.talk loudly 大声说话 3.push 推 4.listen carefully 认真听 .5.walk quickly 走得快 6.walk slowly 慢慢走 7.remember 记住 重点句型: 1、First , we’re going to go to the museum.首先,我们去博物馆。 2、We usually talk quietly at the library.我们在图书馆经常小声地说话。 3、Can I play at the museum?我可以在博物馆玩吗? 4、No , you mustn’t play there . We must look and listen carefully.不,你不应该在那里玩。我们应该认真地看和听。 重点语法: must 、mustn’t的用法(如:陈述句、肯定回答、否定回答以及否定句) You must be 12 twelve years old .(陈述句) Yes ,you must . No ,you needn’t You must’t swim in the pool . 2 .频率副词的用法:always (总是) , never (从来不) , sometimes (有时),usually (经常) 都用于be后面和实义动词之前。 1)We are never late for school .(我们上学从不迟到) 2)We usually go swimming on Sundays .(我们周六经常去游泳。) 3. 副词修饰动词的用法:如:talk quietly ; walk quickly ; talk loudly ; listen carefully ; 强化训练题: 一 单项选择 ( )1 Must we come here at 8 tomorrow morning ? No ,you ___________. A can’t B must C mustn’t D needn’t ( )2 Children _________ play with fire . It’s dangerous . A must B mustn’t C can’t D needn’t ( )3 We mustn’t talk _________ in the library . A quietly B quiet C loud D loudly ( )4 We must walk _________ at the swimming pool . A slow B slowly C quickly D quick ( )5 When a light turns red ,we ________ cross the road . A must B mustn’t C can’t D needn’t ( )6 Can we play at the museum ? No ,we ___________. A must B needn’t C can’t D mustn’t ( )7 If you are __________ ,you should talk quietly in the library . A rude B polite C happy D sad ( )8I usually __________ bed at nine thirty . A go to B get up C go D go on ( )9 Mary always_________her homework at 7:30 in the evening . A do B does C is D be ( )10 ------ How do you help at


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