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SWOT Analysis TemplateSWOT Analysis template incorporated the SWOT Analysis as an situation analytical tool used in conjunction with Strategic Planning Process. It also known as SWOT and it is a tool to evaluate an organization’s external competitive position as well as its internal capabilities. The SWOT focus on examining its Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities and Threats, a SWOT Analysis template | matrix allow you to develop your strategies in order to exploit its competitive advantages or defend against its internal weaknesses.In the SWOT Analysis Template matrix, Strengths and Weaknesses involve identifying the firm’s internal capabilities and / or disadvantages against its competitors, while Opportunities and Threats involve identifying external factors such as government policies, forces from competition such as 5-Forces of Competition, emergence of new technology, governmental intervention and/or domestic and international economic trends that influence the financial performance and business operations of an organization.All these factors are easily identify when they are placed in a SWOT Analysis Template like below:-How to use SWOT Analysis TemplateWith the aid of the SWOT Analysis Template, you can use it to identify your organization’s strengths and weaknesses in their departmental and functional aspects. On the other hand, you use the same template to identify the external factors like Opportunities and Threats. Internal strengths and weaknesses combined with external opportunities and threats created the basis for establishing short and long term strategies and goals. It is usual that an organization are not equally strong in all areas. Therefore, the SWOT analysis helps to differential them like the template below:-SWOT StrengthsSWOT WeaknessesList your internal strengths in relation to your competitorsList weaknesses in relation with your competitorsSWOT OpportunitiesSWOT ThreatsEstablish potential opportunities from external factors or tools as a



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