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CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计(论文) 题目:电子商务环境下企业客户价值的分析与评价 学生姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 专 业: 指导教师: 2012 年 5 月 题目 电子商务环境下企业客户价值的分析与评价 学生姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 所在院(系): 信息管理与信息系统 指导教师: 完成日期: 电子商务环境下企业客户价值分析与评价 摘要 在电子商务迅速发展和市场环境高度变化的情况下,传统的商业模式发生了根本性的变化,企业的经营理念逐渐从企业向客户转变。电子商务作为新的商务模式改变了现有企业的经营管理模式,它不仅为企业带来的新的利益需求,同时使企业之间的竞争日趋激烈。在电子商务这一市场环境中,客户价值对企业有着举足轻重的的战略性意义。随着电子商务的出现。客户的消费意识、行为习惯、消费心理等都不可同日而语,客户价值也随之产生一些与众不同的特点。 本文通过以当前环境为背景,以及国内外现状,分析客户价值的新变化。首先对电子商务、客户价值的涵义及特点进行分析,然后对电子商务环境下的客户价值做进一步研究,最后对电子商务环境下的客户价值做综合评价。本文研究的目的是通过论证去更好的理解客户价值,进而帮助企业更深入的了解客户的真正价值,从而实现企业收益的最大化。 关键字:电子商务;客户;客户价值 UNDER ELECTRONIC COMMERCE ENVIRONMENT THE ENTERPRISE CUSTOMER VALUE ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION ABSTRACT In the market environment changes and the rapid development of electronic commerce circumstance, the traditional business model produced essential sex to change, the management concept of the enterprise gradually from the enterprise to the customer change. The new e-commerce business model of enterprise management mode transformation, it for the enterprise to bring new profit growth point but also intensifies the competition between the enterprise level. In the modern market environment, customer value to the enterprise has the extremely important strategic significance. With the emergence of electronic commerce. Customer consumption behavior, psychology, habits are different from the previous changes, customer value has different characteristics. This article through to the current environment as the background, and domestic and international current situation, analysis of the new changes of customer value. First to electronic commerce, customer value of the meaning and characteristics of the analysis, and then on the environment of electronic commerce customer value for further study, the last under the e-commerce environment comprehensive evaluation


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