Lorentz Angle Measurement for CO2Isobutane Gas Mixtures.pdf

Lorentz Angle Measurement for CO2Isobutane Gas Mixtures.pdf

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Lorentz Angle Measurement for CO2Isobutane Gas Mixtures

a r X i v : h e p - e x / 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 v 1 1 D e c 2 0 0 0 KEK Preprint 2000-113 KUDP 2000-001 TUAT-HEP 2000-04 KINDAI-HEP 00-01 November 2000 H Lorentz Angle Measurement for CO2/Isobutane Gas Mixtures K.Hoshinab, K.Fujiia, N.Khalatyanc, O.Nitohb, H.Okunoa, Y.Katoe, M.Kobayashia, Y.Kuriharaa, H.Kuroiwab, Y.Nakamurab, K.Sakiedab, Y.Suzukib, T.Watanabed a High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK), Tsukuba, 305-0801, Japan bTokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan cInstitute of applied physics, University of Tsukuba, 305-8573, Japan dKogakuin University, Tokyo 163-8677, Japan eKinki University, Osaka, 577-0085, Japan Abstract We have developed a Lorentz angle measurement system for cool gas mixtures in the course of our RD for a proposed JLC central drift chamber (JLC-CDC). The measurement system is characterized by the use of two laser beams to produce primary electrons and flash ADCs to read their signals simultaneously. With this new system, we have measured Lorentz angles for CO2/isobutane gas mixtures with different proportions (95:5, 90:10, and 85:15), varying drift field from 0.6 to 2.0 kV/cm and magnetic field up to 1.5 T. The results of the measurement are in good agreement with GARFIELD/MAGBOLTZ simulations. Keywords: Lorentz angle; CO2/isobutane; Drift chamber; JLC 1 Introduction In order to make maximum use of the full physics potential of a future linear collider such as JLC [1], it is highly desirable that its detector system allows reconstruction of final states in terms of known standard-model partons: charged leptons, quarks, gauge bosons, and neutrinos as missing momenta. Among these partons, lighter quarks (u, d, s, c, and b) and gluons can be detected as jets with or without secondary or tertiary vertices, while heavier partons (t, W±, and Z) can be recognized through calculation of jet invari- ant masses. The parton reconstruction based on the jet invariant-mass method requires not only efficient and high


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