Low activities of intestinal lactase suppress the early phase.pdf

Low activities of intestinal lactase suppress the early phase.pdf

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Low activities of intestinal lactase suppress the early phase

Clinical Nutrition (2008) 27, 248e253ava i lab le a t www.sc iencedi rec t .com ht tp : / / in t l . e l sev ie rhea l th .com/ j ourna l s /c lnuORIGINAL ARTICLE Low activities of intestinal lactase suppress the early phase absorption of soy isoflavones in Japanese adults*Akiko Tamura a,b, Takuya Shiomi a, Sachiko Hachiya a, Norihiro Shigematsu a, Hiroshi Hara b,*a Research Institute, FANCL Co., Yokohama, Japan b Division of Applied Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan Received 24 January 2007; accepted 6 December 2007KEYWORDS Isoflavones; Equol; Lactase; Lactose malabsorption; Breath hydrogenAbbreviations: OCTT, orocecal transit * Conference presentation: 60th Ann * Corresponding author. Tel: t81 11 E-mail address: hara@chem.agr.ho 0261-5614/$ - see front matter a 200 doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2007.12.001Summary Background aims: The contribution of lactase to isoflavone bioavailability has not been clar- ified. We evaluated the association between lactase activity and the bioavailability of isoflavone glucosides in Japanese adults. Methods: Twenty-six Japanese adult participants completed a study that included tests of breath hydrogen after a lactose load, orocecal transit time, and isoflavone glucoside absorp- tion. Lactose malabsorbers were defined as those with an increase in breath hydrogen level (DH2) of more than 20 ppm after a load of lactose (20 g). Participants ingested 200 ml soymilk, and serum isoflavones were analyzed until 480 min. Results: Serum daidzein and genistein levels increased rapidly until 60 min, then slowly increased. The increases of serum isoflavones in the early phase, but not the later phase, were suppressed in lactose malabsorbers. DH2 max after a load of lactose inversely correlated with serum daidzein levels at 30 min. The percentage of equol producers tended to be greater among lactose malabsorbers (P Z 0.067). Conclusions: Lactase may be involved in absorption of isoflavone glucosides in the sm


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