Low frequency radio and X-ray properties of core-collapse supernovae.pdf

Low frequency radio and X-ray properties of core-collapse supernovae.pdf

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Low frequency radio and X-ray properties of core-collapse supernovae

a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 0 3 1 1 4 1 9 v 1 1 8 N o v 2 0 0 3 Low frequency radio and X-ray properties of core-collapse supernovae A. Ray1, P. Chandra1,2, F. Sutaria3, and S. Bhatnagar4,5 1 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India akr@tifr.res.in 2 Joint Astronomy Program, Indian Inst. Science, Bangalore poonam@tifr.res.in 3 Physics Dept., Technical University Munich, Germany fsutaria@ph.tum.de 4 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, TIFR, Pune, India 5 National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, USA sbhatnag@aoc.nrao.edu Summary. Radio and X-ray studies of young supernovae probe the interaction be- tween the supernova shock waves and the surrounding medium and give clues to the nature and past of the progenitor star. Here we discuss the early emission from type Ic SN 2002ap and argue that repeated Compton boosting of optical photons by hot electrons presents the most natural explanation of the prompt X-ray emission. We describe the radio spectrum of another type Ic SN 2003dh (GRB030329) ob- tained with combined GMRT and VLA data. We report on the low frequency radio monitoring of SN 1995N and our objectives of distinguishing between competing models of X-ray emission from this SN and the nature of its progenitor by X-ray spectroscopy. Radio studies on SN 2001gd, SN 2001ig and SN 2002hh are mentioned. 1 Introduction The association of long duration Gamma Ray Bursts with core collapse super- novae is by now established with SN 2003dh (GRB030329) [7]. Observational evidence supports the viewpoint that GRBs are energetic explosions like su- pernovae occuring in star formation regions and a large fraction of their energy is directed in relativisitic jets. Supernovae are known to be explosions of mas- sive (and intermediate mass) stars, although the nature of the progenitor stars for varied supernova types remains an open subject. A supernova explosion from the core collapse of a massive star drives a powerful shock wave into the circumstellar


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