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Cisco Product Quick Reference Guide An overview of many Cisco products, services, and solutions for every part of your business October 2011 Introduction Cisco Product Quick Reference Guide Welcome to the October 2011 edition of the Cisco Product Quick Reference Guide. This guide presents an overview of many Cisco products, services, and solutions for every part of your business. Compact, portable, and easy-to-use, the Cisco Product Quick Reference Guide includes brief overviews, important features, technical specifications, part numbers, and ordering information for many Cisco products. This all-in-one time-saving guide includes the following chapters: Routing, Switching, Wireless, Collaboration, Security, Data Center, Video and Content Delivery, Optical Networking, Network Management, and Cisco Services. Designed for our Cisco field and partners, this guide will help you determine which Cisco product, service, or solution is right for your customer. It is also ideal for end users, networking professionals, Cisco Networking Academy members, and those studying for Cisco certification needing a broad, high-level overview. This guide includes only a subset of the Cisco portfolio. Additionally, because this guide is published only once per year, there are likely to be new products and part numbers not included in this edition. For the most up-to-date information and the complete product portfolio, refer to the Cisco website at . What’s New The October 2011 edition includes many new products; they are highlighted in the “At a Glance” section of each chapter. This edition also includes updates to products, services, and solutions across all technologies. For More Information For more information about the guide and to register in the Document Center, please visit /go/guide. When you register in the Document Center, you will



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