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Australian Standard?
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes
Method 5.8.1: Soil compaction and density tests—Determination of field density and field moisture content of a soil using a nuclear surface moisture–Density gauge—Direct transmission mode
《方法5.8.1: 土壤压实和密度测试-使用核表面湿度-密度测量计确定土壤的场密度和场含水量-直接传输模式》
This Standard sets out the method for determining the field density of a soil using a nuclear surface moisture-density gauge in the direct transmission mode of operation. It describes the method for determining the field moisture content of a soil using the same device, but other methods of moisture content determination may also be used. Gauges determine the gross mass per unit volume (field wet density) of the soil and the mass of water per unit volume (field water content) of the soil. Field dry density and moisture content can be calculated from these values.
This method is applicable to soils having not more than 20% by mass of particles retained on the 37.5 mm sieve. Some soils containing variable percentages of chemically bound water or other neutron moderators or absorbers may require the moisture content of the material to be determined in accordance with AS 12 or one of the subsidiary methods, AS 12, AS 12, AS 12 or AS 12.
本方法适用于所包含的保留在37.5 mm筛上的微粒质量不超过20%的土壤。一些包含可变比例的化合水或其他中子慢化剂或吸收剂的土壤可能需要根据AS 12或辅助方法之一,如AS 12, AS 12, AS 12 或 AS 12确定材料的含水量。
Because of the variety of gauges available, this method does not detail the operation of the gauge but refers the operator to the manufacturer’s handbook.
When nuclear gauges are used for density or moisture measurement, the volume of material being assessed is not precisely known; however, reference to the manufacturer’s handbook and current literature may indicate the likely volume. Th
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