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Oxford 2B M3U3 PERIOD 1 Type: new Main Designer: Cassie Date:_______ Vice Designer: Teaching aims: 知识目标: 1、学习单词: ??sweater??trousers??coat??T-shirt??shirt? ? 2、学习句型: What do you have for __________ .(spring/summer…) 并能针对问句进行回答I have _____ for _____.( spring/summer… 二. 能力目标: 1.学生能够根据实际情景,灵活运用所学单词及句型; 三.情感目标: 1.学生能够通过两两和小组的活动,养成良好的合作意识。 Key Point: sweater??trousers??coat??T-shirt??shirt? Difficult Point: What do you have for __________ (spring/summer…)? I have _____ for _____.( spring/summer…) Teaching aids: Photographs. Cassette, pictures, Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task preparation Warming up 1、Enjoy a rhyme T: Let’s enjoy the rhyme: Spring ,spring,spring. Warm,warm,warm. I need a blouse. I need a hat. Autumn,autumn,autumn. Cool,cool,cool. I need socks. I need shoes. 课前铺垫,通过一首儿歌来引入本课,激发学生学习兴趣 2. Ask some question T: What season do you like? Why? T:Look, this is the map of the world. Where do you live? S: I live in China. T:What is the season of China in July? 在新授课前渗透地理知识,从而让学生激发探究的积极性 While-task procedurd 1、Introduce the map of the world and two persons Learn the word: trousers T:Dongdong wants to go to Australia.He is preparing for winter. Read: for winter T:If you were Dongdong. What do you need for winter? weather??head T:Have you got a sweater? How is it? Read the rhyme and make a new rhyme. T:What do you also need for winter? a pair of trousers a pair of ______(shoes, shorts, glasses) Make a sentence and pattern. 讨论不同地理环境下同一月份的不同季节,通过朗读和填空的形式让学生锻炼语感和说的能力 通过对过去知识的回顾学习新句型 注重发音的学习,通过旧知迁徙到新单词的掌握 P Post-task activities Learn the word: coat Learn the word: T-shirt T:What do you also need for winter? T:Have you got a coat? What colour is the coat? Read a rhyme. T:Mary is preparing for summer. Read: for summerT:If you were Mary.What do you need for summer? Guess. T: Have you got a T-shirt? How is it? Read a rhyme. 让学生用新授单词进行造句操练,让他们说


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