The current situation and prospects of the modern American Slang 英语专业毕业论文.doc

The current situation and prospects of the modern American Slang 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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中文摘要   美国俚语是一种相当特殊的语言形式,具有独特的语言表现力和悠久的历史.它是美国语言不可缺少的重要组成部分,它反映了文化影响语言的内在作用,还具有其他词汇层所无或不全具备的独特风格,是一种极富文化涵义的词汇,是美国文化的特殊载体。19世纪美洲大陆的“西进运动”促使了美国俚语的形成,20世纪则是美国俚语迅猛发展的时期。从其来源来看,亚文化向主流文化的渗透到社会名流的推动再到新事物新概念的大量涌现,产生了大量的俚语。在发展的过程中美国俚语逐渐形成了自己的风格特点:幽默风趣、形象生动、易于表达情感、更新迅速等。同时,它在社会中的作用则体现在:体现说话者的身份;加强群体中各成员之间的关系;体现说话者受教育程度和文化素质以及反映美国人对社会现实所抱的态度。   中文关键词:美国俚语;社会功能;文化内涵                                                                Abstract   American Slang is one quite special language form which has unique expression and long history. It’s an important and indispensable component of the American culture. It reflects the intrinsic role of American language, also it has unique style. And it has an extremely rich culture meaning of the vocabulary. It is a special vector of American culture. Its formation was promoted on the 19th century in the American continent. It is emerged as a result that the sub-culture infiltrated to the mainstream culture, celebrated promotion, innovation and new concepts. After that, on the 20th century, the American slang got a rapidly development and built its own style characteristics: funny, the image of a lively, easy to express feelings, such as updated quickly. At the same time, it is acting a role that is more and more important because it embodied the identity of the speaker, strengthened the relationship between the members of groups, increased the level of education and cultural qualities of the speaker and influenced Americans attitude to the reality of society.  Key Words: Modern American Slang; social function; meaning of culture Table of Contents 1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………1 2. Content…………………………………………………………………………… 1 2.1 The definition of the culture………………………………………………………1 2.1.1 The relation about culture and language……………………………………. …2 2.2 The American culture ……………………………………………………. ………2 2.2.1 First, to emphasize independence, individuality but not to exclude people. ……2 2.2.2 Second, risk-taking, pioneeri


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