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windy tsunami(海啸) 温室气体 大气层中易吸收红外线的气体,在大气中含量不足1%,主要包括二氧化碳,甲烷,一氧化二氮,氯氟碳化合物及臭氧。二氧化碳被认为是效果最显著的温室气体,并且近几十年来人类的工业化活动加剧了二氧化碳的排放量,导致了温室气体在大气中的过量聚集,加剧了温室效应。 Let’s know more: 全球气候变化的影响 导致地球轻摇或灾难性后果 生态系统的调整 海平面上升 洪涝、干旱等极端天气事件的多发 疾病灾害的增加 中国极端天气频发 与全球变暖有关并可能加剧 Warning (警示录) We have only one earth. (我们只有一个地球) The earth is our home. (地球是我们的家) To review the new words and expressions To make up 3conversations about weather. Unit 7 It’s raining! Section A:1a-2c Let’s listen to a song! let’s learn some words about weather. cloudy sunny raining/rainy snowing/snowy 1a. Match the words with the pictures. 1. raining ____ 2. windy____ 3. cloudy____ 4. sunny ____ 5. snowing____ a e d b c cloudy raining/rainy snowing/snowy windy sunny -How’s the weather ? (天气怎么样? ) -It’s … (天气是······的) How’s the weather? It’s raining. How’s the weather? It’s______. sunny How’s the weather? It’s________. snowing Toronto How’s the weather in Toronto? It’s raining. _________________in Beijing? It’s sunny. Beijing How’s the weather Moscow How’s the weather ___Moscow? It’s snowing. in Boston __________________________? It’s windy. How’s the weather? ____________. It’s windy How’s the weather in Boston Shanghai ___________________Shanghai? It’s cloudy. How’s the weather? __________. It’s cloudy How’s the weather in How is the weather …? What is the weather like …? sunny. cloudy. It’s windy. raining/rainy. snowing/snowy. Attention please: sunny cloudy windy raining snowing What do they mean? Answer teacher’s questions It’s sunny. How’s the weather in Beijing? It’s raining. How’s the weather in Changsha? It’s cloudy. How’s the weather in Guangzhou? It’s snowing. How’s the weather in Harbin? It’s windy. How’s the weather in Shanghai? 1b. Listen and write these city names In the boxes above. Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston Shanghai Toronto Moscow Shanghai Boston 1c. Imagine you are in one of the places in 1a. Talk about the weather


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