A Brief Analysis of Lexical Chunk Approach in Vocabulary Teaching in Senior Middle School 浅谈高中英语词汇教学中的词汇教学法.doc

A Brief Analysis of Lexical Chunk Approach in Vocabulary Teaching in Senior Middle School 浅谈高中英语词汇教学中的词汇教学法.doc

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学士学位论文 浅谈高中英语词汇教学中的词汇教学法 论文作者: 指导教师: 学科专业:英语专业(师范方向) 提交论文日期:2009年4月20日 论文答辩日期:2009年5月9日 学位授予单位: ? ? 2009年4月 BA Thesis University of Arts and Sciences A Brief Analysis of Lexical Chunk Approach in Vocabulary Teaching in Senior Middle School BA Candidate: Supervisor: Major: English School of Foreign Languages University of Arts and Sciences April 2009 Table of Contents 中文摘要 Ⅰ Abstract II 1 Introduction 1 2 The Basic Concepts of Lexical Chunks 1 2.1 Definitions of Lexical Chunks 2 2.2 Classifications of Lexical Chunks 2 2.3 Functions of Lexical Chunks 4 3 The Theoretical Support of Lexical Chunk Approach 4 3.1 Consistence with the Memorizing Methods 4 3.2 Corresponding to the Cognitive Law and Possessing Universal Significance 5 3.3 Being Consistent with Domestic Students 6 4 The Predominance of Lexical Chunk Approach 6 4.1 Ideal Model of Memory 6 4.2 Improving Fluency 7 4.3 Avoiding Improper Use in the Context and the Register 7 4.4 Avoiding False Selection of Vocabulary 7 5 The Implementation of Lexical Chunk Approach 8 5.1 Raising Students’ Awareness of Lexical Chunks 8 5.2 Chunking through Language-focused Attention 9 5.3 Conducting Creative Practice by Using the Lexical Chunks 10 6 Conclusion 10 References 12 Acknowledgements 13 摘 要 词汇教学法,近年来越来越得到语言学界的重视。迈克尔·刘易斯认为“语言是语法化的词汇,而不是词汇化的语法”(迈克尔·刘易斯, 1993:89)。他同时指出词汇组块是语言使用的重点,因此也理应成为语言教学的重点。词汇组块的存在加快了语言处理的速度,对促进语言习得和语言输出的流利性都具有重大的意义。词块教学法强调培养学习者的词块能力,即掌握交流中频繁出现的固定词组、搭配和句型的能力,从而把词汇、语法的习得和交际能力的培养融为一体。 本文首先给出词块的定义,分类和功能,然后论述了词块教学法的理论依据。接着,探讨了它在英语教学中具有的潜在优势,最后,提出了词块教学的具体实施步骤。 关键词:词汇组块;词块教学法;词汇教学; Abstract Recently, lexical approach has drawn more and more linguists’ attention. Michael lewis once said, “Language consists of grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalized grammar” (Michael lewis, 1993:89). He also insisted that chunks are the focus of language teaching and language use as well, for they



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