The outline of “listening training in middle school.doc

The outline of “listening training in middle school.doc

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The outline of “listening training in middle school A. Explain the importance of listening and listening training during the course of teaching English . B. Analyze the factors influencing listening effect, including being short of basic language knowledge;the influence of our native language; lack of cultural background knowledge and psychological elements, especially introduce how to pay attention to the psychological factors and improve the effect of listening teaching. C. According to the teaching experience, introduce some methods to improve students’ listening ability, such as: cultivate their interest in listening, practice both in and out of class etc. D. Analyze construction and subject themes of various listening materials and then instruct some skills for listening test . E. Draw a conclusion of this paper. The abstract of “listening training in middle school” 在中学英语教学中,听力是必教的重要技能之一,听的能力的培养是很关键的。 文章首先剖析了影响听力效果的因素。主要包括:英语基础知识的缺乏;本族语的负面影响;相关语言文化及背景知识的欠缺及许多自身因素的干扰,如兴趣、心理障碍、自信心等。其次,本文又重点介绍了提高听力技能的主要方法。常见的有:从选材、训练方式、听力习惯等方面来调动学生听的兴趣;把“精听”和“泛听”结合起来;加强课内、课外的听力训练;同时还要密切师生关系、区别对待不同程度的学生。根据听力材料性质,文章最后又给出了几种应试技巧:如:先听后读或先读后听;快速对比备选答案;联想、对比近义词、反义词等;尤其对如何做好对话题、短文题作了适当的说明。 During the course of teaching English in middle school, Listening is one of the important skills that should be taught,and listening training is very critical. First,this article analyses the main factors affecting listening effect,which mainly includes:Being short of basic language knowledge;the negative influence of our native language;lacking in cultural background knowledge and interference of many psychological factors such as interest, psychological obstacles and confidence. Second,it tells us how to improve students’ listening ability. such as:cultivate students' interest in listening through selection of various materials, improving training styles, developing habits of their listening and so on;combine extensive listening and intensive listening together;practice both in and o


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