The Research on Interrelationship between Fear of Negative Evaluation and Spoken English Score——With Special Reference to English Major Freshmen in College of Science and Technology 文献综述.doc

The Research on Interrelationship between Fear of Negative Evaluation and Spoken English Score——With Special Reference to English Major Freshmen in College of Science and Technology 文献综述.doc

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本科毕业设计(论文) 文献综述 课题名称 负评价焦虑和英语口语成绩的相关性研究——以宁波大学科技学院大一新生为例 指导教师 分院 人文分院 专业 英语 班级 06英语4班 学生姓名 学号 开题日期 要求:一、说明材料来源情况;二、对课题的研究历史、研究现状等进行准确的分析与归纳并做出简要评述;三、表达自己的观点与主张,阐述该课题的发展动向和趋势;四、字数要求2000字以上,可另附纸。 文献综述正文: The Research on Interrelationship between Fear of Negative Evaluation and Spoken English Score ——With Special Reference to English Major Freshmen in College of Science and Technology Literature review: 1 Source of research and materials This thesis combines with supervisor’s research subject and focus on the interrelationship between fear of negative evaluations and spoken English score. Most of the materials are from libraries of Ningbo University and other universities in Ningbo, and some of the materials are from the online materials of Ningbo University, some others contributed by the supervisor. 2 Previous research 2.1 Characteristics of oral English In China, it is true that more and more attention has been paid to the foreign language learning. With China’s entering into WTO, English as a world-wide language plays a more and more important role in the world communication of politics, economy, culture etcetera, there is also a higher and higher requirement for English proficiency in employment. But in spite of studying English for more than six years, most college students still can not perform successfully in communication. For this concern, almost every college in China has oral English classes specially to improve students’ oral English proficiency. The oral aspects of foreign language emphasize that students have to learn to understand what others speak and try to speak out accurately and smoothly what they want to express in a foreign language class. But many people are dissatisfied with English teaching in China, because it has cultivated a number of dumb English learners. The teacher-dominated approach offers little opportunity for students to speak and listen to English, so it is often the case that students experience a considerable amount of



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