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Topic 2 How about exploring Tian ’anmen Square 夏坝中学 卓开繁 Step 1 Word presentation /p??stkɑ?(r)d/ The boy got a letter. received v.收到,得到 /r?si?v/? They go to the seaside on holiday. on vacation The boy is visiting the Great Wall. exploring /?kspl?:(r)/ explore Step 2 Words consolidation What is Missing? postcard receive on vocation camp exploring Task2 What is Missing? postcard receive on vocation camp exploring Task2 What is Missing? on vacation be busy doing explore work out postcard Task 2 What is Missing? postcard work out exploring go camping on vacation Task 2 What is Missing? go camping on vacation postcard explore look forward to Task1 Does the Darren agree to come to China? where do they plan to go? Listen to the tape and answer the question Yes, he does. Tian’anmen Square. They plan to go to Tian’anmen Square. Listen to 1a and tick the pictures according to what you hear. visit the Great Wall enjoy his trip receive a postcard make an exploring plan meet their friend √ √ √ √ 1 2 3 4 5 listen to the third time and number the following sentences. ( ) Michael invites Darren to visit China. ( ) Darren is on vacation. ( ) Kangkang helps Michael make a plan for Darren’s visit. (1) Darren receives a postcard from Michael. ( ) Michael and Kangkang will meet Darren. 3 2 4 5 Fill in the blanks 1.我很高兴收到你的明信片。 I’m glad _________________________________。 2.我正在忙于准备我的考试。 I’m busy ___________________________my exam。 3.我很期待收到你的来信。 I’m ________________________________________your letter。 4.假期你想要来中国吗? ______________________________________________________________ to receive your postcard preparing for looking forward to receiving Would your like to come to China for your vacation? Read and match the sentences. Then find more similar expressions from 1a and practice with your partner. Would / Will you help me plan a trip? Could / Can y


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