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六年级上 Unit2 What a day! 单元检测 班级_______ 姓名___________ 学号________ 听力部分(30%) 一、听录音,找出你所听到的内容。( 10% ) (? ?)1.A. high? ? ? B. here? ????? C. her ? ?? ? (? ?)2.A. animal ? ?? ?? ? B. ant ?? ?? ? C . at (? ?)3.A. found? ?? ?? ? B. find?? ?? ? ? ? C. fine (? ?)4.A. hurry? ?? ?? ?? B. honey? ?? ?? ?? C. hungry (? ?)5. A.where B.were C.what (? ?)6. A.drink B.quiet C.quick (? ?)7. A.lost B.last C.lose (? ? )8. A.brought B. bought C.caught (? ? )9. A.meet B.let C.met (? ?)10. A.happen B.matter C. happened 二.选出所听到的问题的最佳答语。( 5% ) (? ?? ) 1.A.I’m fine.? ?? ? B. It was rainy.? ?? C. It is cloudy. (? ? ?) 2.A.You look happy.? ? B. Yes, it is.?? C. I was late for school. (? ?? ) 3.A. What a pity.? B. Well done!?? C. A good idea. (? ? ?) 4.A. There is a parrot.? B. There were some chairs.??? C. Yes, there were. (? ?? ) 5. A. We couldn’t fly kites in the park. ? ?? ?? ? B. We went to the playground and played games.?? ?C. We were hungry and wet. 三、听录音,判断所给句子的正误。用T, F表示。( 10% ) ( ) 1. It was sunny and hot yesterday. ( ) 2. We saw some interesting parrots in the park. ( ) 3. There were some black clouds in the sky. ( ) 4. We played basketball in the playground this morning. ( ) 5. I lost my new kite. 四、听录音,补全对话。( 5% ) A: What did you do _________ Sunday? B: I had a birthday _________ at home. A: Really? So, who ________ to your party? B: Many of my ________. I called you so many times but there was no reply. A: I’m sorry. I _________ at home then. Happy birthday to you! 笔试部分(70%) 一、英汉互译。( 10% ) 1.?在空中________________________6. windy and cloudy______________ 2.?昨天早上______________________7. some drinks__________________ 3.?一场鹦鹉表演___________________8. fly away____________________ 4.?放风筝_________


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