
Consolidated Financial Review For the Third Quarter Ended March 31, 2008.pdf

Consolidated Financial Review For the Third Quarter Ended March 31, 2008.pdf

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Consolidated Financial Review For the Third Quarter Ended March 31, 2008

1 Consolidated Financial Review For the Third Quarter Ended March 31, 2008 May 19, 2008 Company Name: Lasertec Corporation(URL ) Stock exchange listing: Jasdaq Securities Exchange, Inc. Code number: 6920 Representative Director: Yaichiro Watakabe, President Inquiries: Shu Uchiyama, Director, Administrative Headquarter Telephone number: (045) 478-7111 For reference only: The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in Japan. (Millions of yen, rounded down) 1. Consolidated financial highlights for the third quarter ended March 31, 2008 (1) Consolidated operating results Net sales Operating income Ordinary income (Millions of yen) % (Millions of yen) % (Millions of yen) % Mar. 31, 2008 7,386 (30.0) 989 (61.9) 1,098 (57.6) Mar. 31, 2007 10,556 20.0 2,600 25.9 2,589 24.5 June 30, 2007 15,874 -- 3,895 -- 3,895 -- Net income Net income per share Net income per share, fully diluted (Millions of yen) % (Yen) (Yen) Mar .31, 2008 660 (58.7) 57.46 50.88 Mar. 31, 2007 1,596 20.4 137.03 133.91 June 30, 2007 2,375 203.84 194.26 Notes: The percent figures indicate changes from the same period of the previous fiscal year. (2) Consolidated financial position Total assets Net assets Equity ratio Net assets per share (Millions of yen) (Millions of yen) % (Yen) Mar. 31, 2008 20,461 12,048 58.6 1,065.17 Mar. 31, 2007 22,637 12,248 53.9 1,046.56 June 30, 2007 21,840 13,048 59.5 1,115.18 2. Dividends This company has not been paying dividends on the basis of ending date of the third quarter. Regarding forecast of the dividends of this fiscal year ended June 30, 2008, this company keeps the same amount as announced on February 20,2008. Dividends per share (Record date) Interim Year-end Annual (Yen) (Yen) (Yen) June. 30, 2007 -- -- 60 00 60 00 June. 30, 2008 -- -- 50 00 50 00 2 3. Consolidated op


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