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智课网 GRE备考资料 GRE 官方写作题库 Argument 152 The following appeared in a memo from the marketing director of Bargain Brand Cereals: One year ago we introduced our first product, Bargain Brand Breakfast cereal. Our very low prices quickly drew many customers away from the top-selling cereal companies. Although the companies producing the top brands have since tried to compete with us by lowering their prices, and although several plans to introduce their own budget brands have been executed, not once have we needed to raise our prices to continue making a profit. Given our success selling cereal, Bargain Brand should now expand its business and begin marketing other low-priced food products as quickly as possible. 满分范文赏析 In this memo the marketing director of Bargain Brand Cereal claims that the company has a particular knack for selling low-priced food and will continue to make a profit should it follow the recommendation to expand from selling only cereal to other low-priced food. To support the recommendation, the memo points out that Bargain Brand is still earning a profit from its cereal sales, despite the fact that major competitors have lowered their cereal prices, and offered their own versions of bargain-priced cereal brands. The recommendation to expand is based on evidence that is not too convincing. Let us review the argument. 【此段结构】 本段采用了标准的 Argument 开头段结构,即:C – E - F 的开头结构,首句概括原文的 C(Conclusion)。接下来的一句话概括了原文为了支持他的结论所引用的 E(Evidence)。最后尾句 中给出开头段到正文段的过渡句,指出原文在逻辑上存在 F(Flaw)。 【此段功能】 本段作为 Argument开头段,具体功能就在发起攻击。首先,概括原文的结论:Bargain Brand Cereal(简称 BB)公司的经理认为公司在销售 low-priced food 上有优势;同时公司可以继续 盈利如果把产品从 Cereal 推广到其他 low-priced food。接下来分别列举了原文为了支持这个 结论引用的证据:尽管其他公司麦片产品不断降价并推出低价麦片品牌,BB 在销售麦片上持 续盈利。论据的归纳用于铺垫出正文段的具体攻击。最后点出原文存在逻辑错误,引出后面 的分析。 First of all, while Bargain Brand is still earning a profit, a crucial point here is determining the extent to which Bargain Brand profits have diminished since other the introduction of alternative low- p


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