JCL SORT详解.pdf

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Appendix SORT A SYS-ED/ COMPUTER EDUCATION TECHNIQUES, INC. JCL Utilities SORT SYS-ED?\COMPUTER EDUCATION TECHNIQUES, INC. (JCL UTIL - 0.8) APP A: Page 1 1 Sorting Data There are a number of utility programs available for sorting data. The two most common are ICEMAN and SYNCSORT. Many installations change the name of the program to SORT. Sort JCL Both sort programs use the JCL shown below: //SORT1 EXEC PGM=ICEMAN //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SORTIN DD DSN=SYSED.UNSORTED.DATA, // DISP=SHR //SORTOUT DD DSN=SYSED.SORTED.DATA, // DISP=(,CATLG), // UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(CYL,5) //SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=(10,4,CH,A) SYSOUT directs the sort messages to a SYSOUT class. SORTIN is the ddname identifying the input data to be sorted. After sorting, the data is written to the SORTOUT DD statement. Sometimes the sort program requires sort work areas to be specified. These are unnamed temporary disk data sets with the ddname SORTWKO1,SORTWKO2, AND SORTWKO3. Consult the reference manual for your sort program to determine when you must include these statements. Sort Control Statements The SYSIN DD statement points to a control statement which tells the sort program: C What fields to sort. C What format the data is in. C What order to sort into. JCL Utilities SORT SYS-ED?\COMPUTER EDUCATION TECHNIQUES, INC. (JCL UTIL - 0.8) APP A: Page 2 The format of the statement is either: SORT FIELDS=(loc,len,format,seq...) SORT FIELDS=(loc,len,seq...).FORMAT=format where: C loc indicates the location of the field which is the sort key. Location 1 is the first character is the record. C len designates the number of characters in the sort field. C format describes the format of data contained in the sort key. The common formats are: CH Character ZD Zoned Decimal PD Packed Decimal BI Binary C seq specifies the sequence into which the records are to be stored. The two options are: A Ascending D Descendin g Example: SORT FIELDS=(10,4,CH,A) This statement sorts a file on a 4-byte


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