Massive cbar c g - Calculation in Diffractive DIS and Diffractive D^ - Production at HERA.pdf

Massive cbar c g - Calculation in Diffractive DIS and Diffractive D^ - Production at HERA.pdf

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Massive cbar c g - Calculation in Diffractive DIS and Diffractive D^ - Production at HERA

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 0 2 0 4 2 6 9 v 1 2 3 A p r 2 0 0 2 DESY 01-116 LUNFD6/(NFFL–7204) 2001 hep-ph/0204269 Massive cc?g - Calculation in Diffractive DIS and Diffractive D? - Production at HERA J. Bartels1, H. Jung2, A. Kyrieleis1 1II. Institut fu?r Theoretische Physik, Universita?t Hamburg, Germany ? 2Department of Physics, Lund University, Sweden Abstract: We calculate the cross section for cc?g-production in diffractive DIS with finite quark masses at zero momentum transfer t. The calculation is done in the leading log(1/xP) approximation and is valid in the region of high diffractive masses M (small β). We apply our cross section formula including both cc?- and cc?g in a Monte Carlo simulation to diffractive D?± meson production at HERA. We compare our predictions to results of H1 using three parameterizations for the unintegrated gluon density. 1 Introduction In the process of diffractive deep inelastic scattering, γ? + p → p + X, one can separate per- turbative and non-perturbative contributions by filtering out particular diffractive final states. Examples of diffractive states which are perturbatively calculable are longitudinal vector parti- cles or final states which consist of hard jets (and no soft remnant). In the latter case the hard scale which allows the use of pQCD is provided by the large transverse momenta of the jets, and the Pomeron exchange is modeled by the unintegrated gluon density. Another particularly interesting example is diffractive charm production, since the charm quark mass justifies pQCD, even for not so large transverse momenta of the outgoing quarks and gluons. Calculations for the diffractive production of massless open qq? states and of massless qq?g states have been re- ported in [ 1, 2, 3] and in [ 4], respectively, and a comparison of diffractive two-jet and three-jet events observed at HERA with these calculations has been presented in [ 5]. Final states with finite quark masses have been calculated, so far, only f


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