Off-diagonal quark distribution functions of the pion within an effective single instanton.pdf

Off-diagonal quark distribution functions of the pion within an effective single instanton.pdf

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Off-diagonal quark distribution functions of the pion within an effective single instanton

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 9 9 0 5 3 3 2 v 2 7 J u n 2 0 0 0 Off-diagonal quark distribution functions of the pion within an effective single instanton approximation. I.V. Anikinac, A. E. Dorokhovab, A.E. Maximova, L. Tomiob, V. Ventoc aBogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia b Instituto de F??sica Teo?rica, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Sa?o Paulo, Brasil c Departamento de Fisica Teorica and Instituto de F??sica Corpuscular, Universidad de Valencia - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient??ficas, Valencia, Spain Abstract We develop a relativistic quark model for pion structure, which incorporates the non-trivial structure of the vacuum of Quantum Chromodynamics as modelled by instantons. Pions are boundstates of quarks and the strong quark-pion vertex is determined from an instanton induced effective lagrangian. The interaction of the constituents of the pion with the external electromagnetic field is introduced in gauge invariant form. The parameters of the model, i.e., effective instanton radius and constituent quark masses, are obtained from the vacuum expectation values of the lowest dimensional quark and gluon operators and the low-energy observables of the pion. We apply the formalism to the calculation of the pion form factor by means of the isovector nonforward parton distributions and find agreement with the experimental data. Pacs: 11.15.Kc, 12.38.Lg,12.39.Ki,14.65.Bt Keywords: vacuum, instanton, quark, meson, parton. 1 Introduction The quark and gluon distribution functions play an important role in the exploration of hadron structure. Perturbative quantum chromodynamics (pQCD) allows one to obtain the evolution of the distribution functions with Q2 using operator product ex- pansion and renormalization group methods from some starting input, which cannot be calculated from the firs


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