Oracle 11gR2 概念 第6章 数据字典和动态性能视图.pdf

Oracle 11gR2 概念 第6章 数据字典和动态性能视图.pdf

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Oracle 11gR2 概念 第6章 数据字典和动态性能视图

/category/db/orcl/basic/ any question please contact martin.tian@ Previous Next View PDF 6 Data Dictionary and Dynamic Performance Views Previous Next View PDF 第 6章 数据字典和动态性能视图 This chapter describes the central set of read-only reference tables and views of each Oracle database, known collectively as the data dictionary. The chapter also describes the dynamic performance views, which are special views that are continuously updated while a database is open and in use. 本章介绍了每个 Oracle 数据库都具有的只读参考表和视图中最重要的部 分,统称为数据字典。本章还介绍了动态性能视图,它们是一些会在数据库 处于打开状态时不断更新的特殊视图。 This chapter contains the following sections: 本章包含以下各节: ? Overview of the Data Dictionary o Contents of the Data Dictionary o Storage of the Data Dictionary o How Oracle Database Uses the Data Dictionary ? Overview of the Dynamic Performance Views o Contents of the Dynamic Performance Views o Storage of the Dynamic Performance Views ? Database Object Metadata ? 数据字典概述 o 数据字典的内容 o 数据字典存储 o Oracle数据库如何使用数据字典 ? 动态性能视图概述 o 动态性能视图的内容 o 动态性能视图的存储 ? 数据库对象元数据 Overview of the Data Dictionary 数据字典概述 An important part of an Oracle database is its data dictionary, which is a read-only set of tables that provides administrative metadata about the database. A data dictionary contains information such as the following: Oracle 数据库的一个重要部分是它的数据字典,它是一组提供有关数据库 管理元数据的只读表。数据字典包含如下信息: ? The definitions of every schema object in the database, including default values for columns and integrity constraint information ? 在数据库中每个模式对象的定义,包括列的默认值和完整性约束信息 ? The amount of space allocated for and currently used by the schema objects ? 分配给模式对象的空间量及当前已使用量 ? The names of Oracle Database users, privileges and roles granted ? Oracle数据库用户的名称、 授予用户的权限和角色、和与用户相关 /category/db/orcl/basic/ any question please contact martin.tian@ to users, and auditing information related to users (see User Accounts) 的审计信息(请参阅用户帐户) The data dictionary is a central part of data management for every Oracle



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